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Even before he became completely conscious, Wonwoo could feel the set of eyes he did not want to look up at that moment boring holes in his skull. After the whole thing last night, he was just too hurt and angry to deal with that particular person's regrets and wrath. With the sky barely turning pink at dawn, Wonwoo was acutely aware of the pain throughout his body even though it was still early in the morning. He was unwilling to get up from Mingyu's lap, his head comfortably tucked against his muscular chest. However, Mingyu's spontaneous distraction had come to an end, and it was now necessary to return to reality because the storm had carried the secure bubble of happiness away.

With his shirt undone and possibly torn, Wonwoo attempted to gently stand up, his pants stuck at his right ankle, and dried sperm clung to his mid-thigh. His body appears utterly demolished, with bruises extending from his pectorals to his neck and all areas accessible to the mouth. He is in excruciating pain, his muscles erupting in pain at the slightest provocation, and all he wants is to vanish.

As soon as Wonwoo tries to move to the passenger seat, he can feel Mingyu, stiff as a rock beneath him, say, "You can call in sick." Wonwoo then falls back onto Mingyu's lap with a wince unable to conceal it. He doesn't want to imagine what must be going through Mingyu's head right now.

"Yes, sir,". He replies stoically, trying not to show any emotion for fear of crying and embarrassing himself further than he already has.

Mingyu's voice was noticeably tight as he said, "This wasn't supposed to happen."

"I know, sir," Wonwoo says, straining to shift again despite knowing what to do. This time, Mingyu helps him out a little, placing warm, strong hands on Wonwoo's bare hips. Wonwoo gets to his seat and begins getting dressed and ready. He had to get out of this car with whatever remaining dignity he still had.
"I'll leave you off at home. Wonwoo, don't expect things to get better. Although it wasn't an enjoyable confession, I know you imagined it was last night. The words sliced precisely how they were meant to: "I am no longer interested in you, and I will not allow you to ruin me again."

"Sir, I got through my stay in your workplace. Probably, by the end of this month, I'll be gone from your life. Do not be concerned. My objective was never to pursue you, even though I told you that I loved you. You were right, and that's all I needed to know. We were both ruined by me because I was cowardly, in love, and in denial. It was never your fault. You don't need to drop me off.
"That's something I know...."

Mingyu can't deny that the dressing-up display next to him diverted his attention from driving. "Shut up! I don't need your validation, you can't even sit without wincing," he said.

"I apologize, sir. I wasn't providing any. After that, Wonwoo instantly stopped talking, but he could still feel Mingyu's harsh glare on him as he attempted to button the last few buttons on his shirt that Mingyu had ripped off. He failed since there were only three barely attached buttons, so all he could do was sit there with his lower body uncovered and Mingyu's gaze wandering from him to the road.

"A new shirt will be sent to you," Mingyu remarked

 "It's not necessary, sir,"  Wonwoo gently rejected it.

"I ruined it. Get a new one from me" Mingyu said.

 The images of what took place inside the car were imprinted in their minds, along with the lingering stench of sex, made it difficult for them to breathe in that car. This tension was also not particularly relieved by the way Mingyu kept moving his gaze up and down Wonwoo's bruises.

"Would you like to come in and have a warm shower?" Wonwoo decided to take his chance. Being able to read Mingyu was always second nature to him, and his body remained extremely sensitive to Mingyu's needs and discomforts that it would be unfair to believe that he'd be incapable of feeling.

Though it wasn't true, he still came across as timid and bashful. These little things reminded Wonwoo of the times he used to lure Mingyu, offering loud sex at Mingyu's house when his parents weren't present as a small act of retaliation; they also carried promises of suffering and invitations to escape reality, of hidden hideouts behind their school, and of being held captive for whole nights at Wonwoo's house.

A tremor shook the car when the driver's side door slammed, and Mingyu marched to his side, interrupting his thoughts.
"Do you want me to go inside with you at your apartment?" Following my previous statement? How sick are you?

Was Mingyu amused or angry? It was getting harder to determine. Despite being out of breath and sporting a sly smile, he refrained from opening Wonwoo's door. 

"Could you?" Wonwoo swallowed as he met Mingyu's gaze properly. 

"Wonwoo, get out of this car. And for the remainder of this week, keep out of my sight. Wonwoo was unable to say anything more because of how enraged he sounded. He exited right away and nearly sprinted inside his apartment complex. 

Wonwoo didn't even have to wait a minute When he hear a loud "Fuck it" before Mingyu was walking in front of Wonwoo, covering his exposed lower half of the body with all of his broad, enormous width

 "You don't have to bother with me, sir," Wonwoo replied, As soon as they stepped inside the elevator, he punched 9.

"We can't have people looking down on you right now, can we?" Mingyu gave a sarcastic look.

Wonwoo tilted his head towards him, hiding behind Mingyu's muscular build with a tiny smile on his face, Wonwoo felt pain in his chest and his breath got shorter as the hope that was trying to enter him intensified.

 "Why not?"

"Cease talking." After that, Mingyu was upon him, consuming the life out of Wonwoo through their combined lips, forcing him brutally into the elevator walls, guiding him into his residence, and continuing without pausing even as Wonwoo punched his pin.

"This is all your fault. I fucking hate you." Mingyu was holding Wonwoo by his neck against the wall.

"Can I touch you please?", Wonwoo whimpered.

"Fuck you, Wonwoo. Fuck It... Ick... I Fucking hate you. He released Wonwoo's neck, only to hit his fists with rage repeatedly against the wall above his head.
Wonwoo dropped to his knees and undid his pants' zipper.

This time, Mingyu made Wonwoo tear up. His every thrust and the way his hands held him down by his bed, his ass pulled as high as it would go without lifting him off the bed, brimming with hatred and rage towards himself for losing control like this once more. Once finishing off Wonwoo feared Mingyu was going to bury him inside the mattress. If it weren't for the possibility of facing charges with assassination then certainly Mingyu would have done it and maybe Wonwoo would have allowed him to.

The intoxicating scent of Mingyu dominated every square inch of the room. Savoring it, Wonwoo rolled over in his bed, perhaps even breathing in a tiny bit of the remorse and loathing Mingyu had left behind. Wonwoo believed that Mingyu left feeling dirtier than when he had invited him to clean last night's contents from his body. He wasn't sure he'd have the strength to stay away well, and he would suffer making an effort to do so.

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