A new beginning

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*Y/n took a breath as he looked at the collage he will be attending, Barden University*

"This is gonna be something"
Y/n said as he made his way towards his dorm

"What if i get a horrible roommate?", what if i get one and he hates me, what if he's creepy?"
These questions ran thorough Y/n's head as he entered the elevator which was empty thankfully

"Well you're here now so suck it up, this is gonna be amazing i'll make so many memories"
Y/n thought as he left the elevator once he arrived at his floor and made his way down the hall looking for his dorm number

He found his dorm and knocked on door, the door opened and a tall boy with dark brown eyes,a tan skin tone, curly hair and a bit muscular looked at Y/n while leaning on the edge of the door

"So your my dormie?"
The guy asked

"Dormie? More like cellmate"
Y/n responded which caused the guy infront of him to chuckle a bit

"Nah, collage is nothing like high school it's actually a bit fun, come on in, the names Andrew, yours?"
Andrew asked

"Y/n, Y/n L/n"
Y/n responded

"So y/n make yourself at home and don't get too comfortable we're going down to the activity fair in a bit"
Andrew said while getting his phone from his bed

The dorm was not that big, there was two beds a small microwave a tiny tv and two small desks with a window on the wall next to each bed

"The activity fair?"
Y/n asked setting down his bag on his half of the dorm

"Yea i'll explain more on our way down lets go"
Andrew said

"Your so bossy"
Y/n said smiling softly

"Yea well i know your probably tired but your my dormie we do stuff together"
Andrew said

"But if your too tired we can chill for a bit before going"
Andrew said looking towards Y/n

"Nah i'm good, lets go dormie"
Y/n said taking his room key out his bag and his headphones leaving the room with Andrew
and heading towards the elevator

"You nervous?"
Andrew asked in the elevator

Y/n asked


"Kinda, its like starting over and i miss my friends back at my old high school, this is a bit scary and new so yes, i am nervous"
Y/n said as the elevator door opened

"Don't worry man, collage is great and if you ever need anything, your dormie got your back"
Andrew said

"Thanks man"
Y/n said as the two made their way towards the activity center

"So whats this about?"
Y/n asked

"Well this is where you pick clubs or groups to join, theres some random stuff here but whatever floats your boat you join and you have to join at least join one"
Andrew said

"Are you in any?"
Y/n asked, his eyes scanning around the place

"Yea i'm in one,Arts club"
Andrew said

"Arts? Really?"
Y/n asked a bit surprised

"Yep i love art its fun"
Andrew said

"Never took you for an art kinda guy"
Y/n said

"Most don't, come'on lets look around and find something for you"
Andrew took Y/n wrist and pulled him along as they walked around

"Okay okay i got it, we're walking around"
Y/n laughed as andrew let go of his wrists

"Now see anything you like?"
Andrew asked

"Nah not really"
Y/n said as they kept walking

"How about that green stand over there its the-"
Andrew started but was cut off by Y/n saying

"Absolutely not i'm not gonna join anything sports related"
Y/n said

"Why? You look like you hit the gym"
Andrew said

"Thanks but i don't really like sports that much"
Y/n said

"What do you got against sports dude?"
Andrew asked

"Not really interesting and its kinda-"
Y/n said but stopped talking as he hears singing

Y/n looked towards the stairs where a group of boys were singing with a sign that said trebelmakers

"Whose that?"
Y/n asked

"Oh them, they're the trebelmakers an acapella group, they won a few championships but they're not really anything special just a bunch of losers who can sing"
Andrew said

"Well they don't look like jocks"
Y/n said

Andrew slightly chuckled and looked at Y/n then back at the boys singing

"You wanna join them?"
Andrew asked

"And be a loser who can sing? Sure seems fun"
Y/n said playfully

"Wait can you sing?"
Andrew asked

"🎶 You tell me 🎶"
Y/n said singing

"Okay got it no need to show off"
Andrew said

"Think they'll accept me?"
Y/n asked a bit nervous

"Sure and if they don't then they're gonna be missing out on the best singer ever.. besides bruno mars"
Andrew said with a smirk

"Here i go"
Y/n said gathering the courage and walking towards them

"You got this dormie"
Andrew yelled

The group of boys were talking and making jokes when Y/n walked up to them

Y/n said

The group of boys turned and looked at him making Y/n nervous

"What do you want?"
A boy with brown hair and a light skin tone said, he was around 5'8 5'9 if Y/n had to guess

"Just give him a flyer bumper"
A boy with glasses said, he was looking at Y/n up and down, he had brown skin, and styled hair that was a bit wavy

Y/n collected the flyer that was handed to him and said a small thanks and walked away, he made his way back to Andrew and showed him the flyer

"So it went well?"
Andrew asked

"Not really, they're assholes, dude with the glasses kinda cute though so i guess thats another reason to join"
Y/n said

"Joining a group cause of a cute guy, what could go wrong?"
Andrew asked

"Right i found a group lets head back to our dorm i'm tired and need to finish unpacking"
Y/n said as he and Andrew made their way towards their dorm not realizing the pair of eyes on them

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