Chapter 41: Broken

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As the sun peeked through the slightly parted curtain, its warm hues illuminated the luxurious room that exude elegance and comfort.

With a frown, Diego stirred from his sleep, he open his eyes slowly, he had never slept peacefully for a long time in forever. His frown went deeper as he tried to recall what the hell happened last night. As he made to leave, a fragile hand around him gave him a pause.

His sight caught Candy's head gently placed on his chest, as she sleeps. The hell?! What is she doing in his room. She was naked, and half of her body was covered with the quilt.

Last night memories floods in..

'Hey Candy, can I?' His word rang in his head, he also recalled how he had asked her to stay and how gentle he was last night. That was crazy of him!

"Fuck" He cursed, slowly removing her hand from himself. Swinging his feets to the ground, hangover hit him hard and groan.

'Happy birthday, Mr. President!' He recalled how his employees chorused those words. The anger that was supposed to surge in at that moment came in.

When he was nine, a group of people of whom he called a family chorused the same word to him. They all stared at him with what he believed as love.

He remember his young self blowing out the candles on the cake. The cheers and wishes made him smile a little, something he hardly does ever since his mom's death.

While the party was going on, young Diego felt the sense of foreboding. Everything doesn't seem right.

"Take me to the hospital" He said to the old butler of the mansion.

"Why young master?..."

"Just do it!" His young self exclaimed. In the car, Diego felt the strange feeling. His young body was trembling, it feel like he was burning inside, his chest clinching and coursing intense pains into him. He managed to tell the butler not to let anyone know where he is...

The butler panic as the boy passed out inside the car. He was rushed into the wards and was attended to. The doctor discovered, he would have met his demisal if he was bought to the hospital a minute late.

Diego clinched his fist and jaw hard, he wore a robe to cover his nakedness and stride out of the room.

After a while, Candy woke up from her sleep. Her gaze fell on the empty space beside her. He was up before already? She scolded herself inwardly, as she had plan to wake up before him.

Her mind drifted to the night they had. His gentle touch, words and stares made her heart flutter again. The feeling of her holding him close and caressing his dark hair made her smile.

'I love you, Diego' She recalled her word, and thought she was crazy. Does she really mean them? Or she had said those out of pleasure. Getting down from the bed, she knew Diego must be dealing with hang over at the moment.

After dressing herself up in a casual cloth, she head downstairs. Her eyes caught the man focusing his gaze in his system. There was a frown on his face, and his aura cold.

Walking towards him, she greeted with a smile, but got no reply from him. Candy saw the way his jaw clinched hard.

Did something happen?

Ignoring his cold attitude she stepped towards the kitchen to prepare ginger tea for his hangover. She dropped it before and sighed when he caressed his forehead.

"Please drink this, it'll help" She said.

He suddenly close his system creating a loud thud, Candy's breath halt the moment he lift his cold gaze to her.

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