Welcome to the Show- Part 1

50 1 36

WARNINGS: almost full male nudity, cursing, flirting, pet names. That's it for now, but it will get more steamy

Wc: 4251


"So, yeah. The tour is all planned, dates and such. I just need to figure out the setlist and hire people, etc," Niall told Harry as they sat on the couch in your apartment.

You and your brother, Harry, shared an apartment. It wasn't ideal, but you had just graduated college about a year ago and Harry had an extra room available and needed money for rent. Your parents moved to Florida when you went to college and you didn't want to do that, so moving in with your brother was the best move. You two had always gotten along anyway.

Now, Niall. Niall is your brother's best friend. They have been best friends since they were 10 years old. And you have always had a stupid fat crush on Niall. Not only is he good looking (and has gotten better looking as you've gotten older), but he is so kind and nice to you. He is talented and you really can't stop thinking about his arms.

You sat on the recliner in the living room, just feet from the two men who meant the most to you in this world. As they drank beer, discussed tour, and watched a basketball game, you sketched on your sketch pad. You went to school for fashion design. You had always loved fashion, drawing, and always wanted to design your own clothes. Although you lived in sweats, so people probably couldn't tell. You had an internship at a fashion magazine that you really loved, but they folded under and now you were looking for work again. You'd been unemployed for about six months.

"That's great, man! I'm so happy for you," Harry said, tapping him on the back.Harry wanted to come on tour with him, but he didn't have that much time off work. He was, however, planning on coming for about two weeks and then working remotely for one, so he could spend time with his best friend on his biggest tour yet.

You minded your own business as the boys talked, but you couldn't help but notice the subtle glances Niall would give you when Harry looked at the TV or got up to go to the bathroom. You felt yourself tingling when you caught each other's eyes.

Niall came over your place a lot. And you were very comfortable with him, but sometimes you'd get tongue-tied, especially if the boys just came back from the gym and were all sweaty and muscly. But, he rarely looked at you the way he is now.


A few weeks went by and Niall seemed stressed. He sat at the desk you had in the corner, which housed your laptop, notebooks, sketchpads, and more.

Harry sat on the couch, scrolling through his phone.

You were in your room, drawing again. Sometimes you felt like you intervened on guy time and just let them hang out by themselves. Although they never seemed to minded.

"Ok. I have everything planned. Lights, stage, setlist, caterer, crew, tech, etc. The only thing I'm missing is a stylist," Niall tapped his pen on his paper.

"A stylist?" Harry asked. "Can't you just like grab clothes from your closet?"

"Not really. It's not that simple. I need comfortable clothing that still looks presentable on stage. Something that will make the fans scream, but also I won't be itchy in, ya know?"

Harry shrugged, not really understanding.

"Whatever, man. It's a whole thing," Niall explained.

"Well, what happened to the stylist from your last tour?" Harry wondered.

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