240 - Oscar Piastri (NSFW)

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Requested by piastrisgirl

240: "Are you sure you want me to be the guy who takes your virginity?"

Crashing his lips against your own, your boyfriend, Oscar didn't hesitate to capture your lips in a passionate kiss as his hands keenly roamed around your body. Your heartrate started to rapidly quicken as he was reaching the most sensitive parts, this especially being the case a few moments later once he had removed his hand from between your legs and closed the distance between your bodies, causing you to eagerly anticipate what surely was to come with a mixture of nerves and excitement as he began to grind against you. However, just as you were noticing how enormous his erection felt pressed against you, the Australian detached your lips, this making your heart sink since this had been repeatedly happening once you would reach this stage.

"What's wrong?" You asked with concern as Oscar sat up on his edge of the bed, reaching down to grab his boxers from the floor. "Have I done something? Are you having second thoughts about wanting to be with me? Is it my body you don't like? I'm starting to worry now because we've been together for six months and you stop whenever we get close to actually having sex."

Oscar then paused and remained silent for a moment, stopping himself from getting into his boxers as he had the sudden realisation of how his actions were making you feel.

"Y/N, you've done absolutely nothing wrong. I could never have second thoughts about wanting to be with you and your body is stunning to me which is just a nice bonus because your looks aren't the reason why I want to be with you," Oscar began comfortingly as he sat up on the bed, taking your hands in his once he had turned to face you. "I never meant to hurt you. I never meant to make you feel as though I don't want to have sex with you when you're what I desire the most. I always stop when we get to this point because how we got together plays on my mind a lot, how I'm your driver mentor. The team want me to help you, their star academy driver, fight for the F2 title this season, so I always get a bit scared at the thought of taking the next step. Deep down, I know it'll only make us stronger, but I get a little paranoid that the more steps we take will mean something is more likely to go wrong, which could then ruin not only our working relationship, but also the amazing friendship we had before we told each other about how we feel. Also, I wanted to take things slowly to make you as comfortable as possible because you've never had sex before. I didn't want to make you feel as though there was any pressure, especially because you've always said that you've wanted to wait until you've definitely found the right person, so I have to ask, are you sure you want me to be the guy who takes your virginity?"

"Oscar, I love you, so of course I-" you blurted out, immediately stopping yourself once you had realised the confession you had just made after a wave of relief had washed over you at the sound of his words.

"You love me?" Oscar asked with surprise as his eyes widened, you just being about to apologise in case you had made him uncomfortable before you noticed the enormous smile which had spread across his lips from ear to ear. "I love you too. I've been wanting to say that for the past couple of months, but I promise that from now on I'll stop letting my fear hold me back, fear of something which might not even happen and that starts right now, that is if you also want this tonight as well."

"It is," you replied with affection, you and Oscar beaming at each other as you laid onto your back whilst he reached into one of his bedside drawers to pull out a condom.

You took a shaky deep breath as Oscar aligned his length with your entrance a few moments later once he had rolled his condom down his length, feeling your body slightly tensing up, but trying your best to relax as Oscar lovingly cupped your cheek, tucking a few strands of your hair behind your ear as he did.

"I know it's going to be painful this time, but I promise it won't always be like this," Oscar spoke up reassuringly, taking your hands in his and entwining your fingers before thrusting into you for the first time.

Your heart continued to pound against your chest as you winced in pain, looking up at Oscar with slight worry as you were starting to fear how painful it was going to become. His heart may have sank as he hated needing to hurt the woman he loved, but a small comforting smile spread across his lips as his eyes warmly met your own. You became distracted for a moment as you melted into them, but your grip tightening on his hands as he started to very gradually quicken his pace. You started to feel a little calmer as he began to fill your ears with words of praise, reminding you of just how much he loves you as you began to lightly roll your hips, being hesitant to do this not only because of the pain, but also because of your worries that you didn't know what you were doing and of being unable to satisfy him. He was unable to apologise enough as he continued to quicken his pace, feeling thankful that it didn't take him much longer to reach his orgasm. You may not have reached a high of your own, which you had expected especially for your first time, but that didn't stop an enormous smile from spreading across your lips once Oscar had rolled off you. He didn't hesitate to pull you close to him as you both gasped for breath, you still feeling a little sore, but feeling a rush of relief that you had now experienced your first time which made you feel even closer to him. You spent the next few moments with your head snuggled into Oscar's chest as he ran his fingers soothingly through your hair, before you made your way into the bathroom to clean yourselves. Once you had returned to the side of your bed, Oscar wrapped his arms tightly around you, pressing your body as closely as he was able to his own as you melted into each other.

"I love you so much," he began as he held you at arms length. "I thought it would be impossible to feel any closer to you, but now that I do, I especially can't wait for next time."

F1,F2 and F3 One shots Book 13 (REQUESTS OPEN)Where stories live. Discover now