Author note

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Hey guys, sorry for doing this in like the middle of the book instead of the beginning but I'm weird like that so here you go anyway.

There is a couple things that I've been needing to address for a while so I might as well say them now 🤷‍♀️

I haven't updated in like a WHILE so for that I apologize, This book was supposed to be published on another platform for a couple months so I stopped publishing here just in case but that didn't work out soo.... I guess I'm back. I've also had really bad writers block and I've like just moved lol, just lots of changes lately ig. But know that hopefully I will be updating more regularly.

Also to clarify, I don't curse all that much, so I don't think you'll see a lot of that in the book and in the future. I also have never written smut but I'm not totally against it so maybe somewhere in the near future there will be a little smut in the book.... Y'all will just have to see.

Also thank you to all that vote and like, It literally makes my entire day and makes me think my book is actually good, So thanks!!

Anyway, enough yapping. Love y'all, hope you enjoy book ❤️

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