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The word of the year is positivity, it's a new year that means new beginnings, new memories, new laughs and new friends: ), I won't go into detail but I'm not having a repeat of last year

I was trying to keep a open mind until I saw this ugly school building that I've been coming to for the third year in a row, I hate schooluhhh. I got to my class and had to introduce myself "My name is Navy" I said forcing a smile then sitting alone at the back

School is so fun! I don't mind the work but I'm not that good at it, I still try though! "Your late, please introduce yourself to the class" the teacher said and I smiled brightly "I'm Embry : )" I said then saw my friend Issac "Hi Isaac!" I said waving to him, I was going to sit next to him when I noticed a guy in the back row "He's pretty" I thought to myself then the teacher said "Please have a seat in chair 21" so I walked around till I found the chair and it was next to the guy "Potential new friend!" I thought to myself

I didn't even notice him until he was in the seat directly beside me "Hey" he said and I answered "Hi" "Hey : )" I just looked at him because he repeated himself. He smiled slightly as if he was waiting for me to say something but I didn't so he held out his hand for me to shake "Embry : )" he said and I put my hand in his "Navy-" I was cut off by his excited expression and him shaking my hand quickly. It was kinda cute

"Navy is such a pretty name! I love it! I always wanted a friend named after a color like Cyan or lilac because it sounds cool but Navy is cool too! Do you think this class is going to be difficult?" I asked and he didn't look like he was going to answer so I kept talking "I hope not but I think we should be friends, what do you say Navy?" I asked and he just looked at me

So he talks quickly and with his hands, noted. I realized he was waiting for me to respond so I said ".....hi" while doing the same hand gesture he did. He looked at me then my hand then back to me while letting go of the hand he was shaking "Okay : )" he said turning back to his desk as the teacher started the lesson, I think I accidentally offended him "Hold on let me get a redo" I said and he turned to me smiling

When he copied my hand gesture it almost took him off the potential friend table but he wants a redo now and I don't hold grudges, I nodded and he held out his hand while smiling "I'm Navy, let's be friends : )" he said and I upside down smiled as I shook his hand "Okay : )"As soon as class was over I skipped over to Issac "Hey Issac! Can we be partners in gym?" I asked and he shook his head "Sorry but I already agreed to be partners with my other friend"

"I just got to get through a few more classes then I can go home and eat dinner" I thought to myself as I put away my things away, I look up and see Embry talking to his friend. I know we just met but he seems like someone I could like, when I look back up Embry was gone "Boo!"

He didn't get scared but I laughed anyway "Hey Navvvvvvvvy!" I said and he blinked at me "Hello Embry" he said and I smiled "Do you wanna be my partner in gym! : ) pleaseeeee" I said then saw Issac joining a slightly large friend group "And maybe in a few more classes : )" I asked and Navy smiled and showed his cute dimples "Sure I don't mind but-" "YAYYYYY! I don't really know how to play basketball but I heard we're just going to practice dribbling and passing. Are you good at that? I'm not so it's okay if you aren't either but we can get good at it together right? Right! : )"

I just looked at him as he started talking quickly and with his hands, I think it's cute how he acts out every word he says. He asked me questions but then answered them before I could so I just looped my arm with his and we walked to the gym as he talked about random stuff "Oh hey we're here! : )" he said realizing we reached the gym

"Pass it! Come on Navy pass it!" I said waving my hands "I don't think I'm supposed to do that" he said and I laughed "Pff I'm going to catch it so he won't even realize!" I said and he looked around before passing it "Ump" is the only sound I could make as the ball hit me right where it wasn't supposed to

"I am so sorry" I said as me and Embry were sitting in the nurses office "Don't sweat it, it's fine" he said putting the bag of ice a nurse gave him in his lap "Should we study together next period?" I asked and he lit up "Suuuuuure! : )" he said smiling and now we're heading to the library, he skips down the hall, smiles at strangers and waves to people he doesn't even know, he's just a genuinely happy person and I envy him for that

"Oh yeah and I think reading is fun but only when you read what you like, being forced to read sucks right!" I say to Navy as I skip down the hall "Dude it's not a conversation if you don't talk back" I said because he hasn't been responding, I look back and he's not even paying attention so I grab his hand and as I skip he runs along with me

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