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This piece of work is inspired by These_violent_delights 







The very first things you notice about him are his eyes, cold, sterile, and unnerving. If our eyes were windows to our soul, his was surely dead. And the moment he locked his hard gaze on me, I knew I was done for. What I didn't know is how easily and willingly my masochist self would surrender to the shit storm of destruction and pain that he was.

I heard him before I saw him enter the classroom as I was packing my bags to leave after our last final test; his footsteps were engraved at the back of my ears. I rolled my eyes, still looking down at my backpack, as he closed the door behind himself and leaned on it, his natural devil-may-care swagger in place, hands inside his pockets.

"What do you want?" I asked him after a solid five minutes of staring at me like I usually did. My voice was breathy from all the nerves bundling up in my lungs, as they usually did around him. I heard him scoff and even before I fully raised my eyes to stare at his, I knew that lopsided grin was in place already.

"You really pulled through, huh!" he began saying as he moved toward me. I knew he had to say more, so I kept my mouth shut.

 "You made it through this experience despite me trying my hardest to ruin you" he whispered the last three words in my ears, standing too close for me to think straight, his left hand sliding up from my back to my left shoulder and then resting lazily on it.

"What did you expect? I wasn't going to run away screaming just because of some bully thinking he was cruel enough to make me. What a joke!" I didn't know where this courage was coming from, whether it was because I'd never have to face him again or the fear that I wouldn't be able to see him again.

When you are like me, rotten from the core but still having to maintain public decorum due to the status of your family, you can't acknowledge even to yourself that everything cruel that has been done to you has felt good, better than good. I was distraught and devastated because the things he did were cruel and painful, even if they were not the only things that I felt. But I had to suppress those other feelings because they were not normal. And that is exactly what I have been doing for the past three years.

"You think the things I did to you were a joke?" his other hand slipped past my hoodie to grab my waist, digging his fingers into my skin, making my breathe hitch a little 

"You have seen the effect my day-to-day musings have on the others" he started nuzzling his face on my nap.

"But I am not others" I needed to steady myself by grabbing the head of my chair.

"Oh, is that what you think? That you're special?" the hand on my shoulder wrapped around my neck and started to squeeze.

"N-no, I think you think... I'm... special" It was becoming hard to breathe; dark spots had started to appear behind my eyes.

"What the hell gave you that idea? Is this how you think people treat the people they think are special?" he pulled me away from the desk and jerked me forward so that I'd land on all fours in front of him and chuckled in disbelief,

 "Oh you sick fuck! You are like that, huh!? So twisted!" he sounded so cruel and disgusted and still out of breath as he spat too close to me.

I had had enough of this, honestly. He was denying how turned on this information made him just like he had denied what he truly felt towards me for the entirety of school and that was not okay anymore.

Before he could do what I knew was his intention from the very beginning, a quick, sick, and cruel pounding from his pliant and mousy plaything, I rose with enough speed to land a punch directly on his right jaw that threw him down beside me, against the wall opposite to the door.

I could see the utter disbelief and a hundred other emotions pass through his eyes as I slid against him on the ground. I put one hand on the wall to support me and with the other, I grabbed his jaw, maybe a little too harshly for his comfort, but I honestly couldn't care less.

"And what about it, you pathetic scum? At least I don't have a habit of lying to myself. Do you think you did anything to break, my resilience? Living in denial and cowardice is your forte, not mine."

"I'm going to kill you" he snickered.

"No, you won't. You like me too much." 

Now it was me nuzzling his jaw under my touch and whispering every sinister secret I've had in my brain out into his years, "Nothing you did in the past three years, no touch, no pain has been against my will. Yes, I am sick like that."

He stares at me and I know that look all too well. He wants to hurt me now, like seriously hurt me. But I've had enough of his pains put through my body for there to be nothing he could scare me with. I am free now. Free from this vicious cycle, from his dead, soulless gaze, from the shame of liking it, wanting it, free from hurting not only physically but in my heart as well and today is the last day he'll ever have an upper hand on me. Today is the last day anyone in this entire universe does.

"You want me but you will never have me. You had enough chances to stop crawling to me like the pathetic vicious snake you are and to just accept everything that your body and mind told you. But you didn't. And this is your punishment. Even today you came because you knew this was our last time and still you decided to be a jerk. I don't know where we'll be ten years from now but I know for a fact that today is the last day you put your hands on me solely to hurt and abuse."

I threw his face away from my periphery got up and walked out of the classroom with a strange sense of freedom, exhilaration, and power, the classroom where everything intimate between us had unfolded and I never looked back. Everything that was between me and Jeon Wonwoo will remain locked behind that rusty wooden door forever.

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