La Revedere Frate

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Anna wasn't a fool. She knew the truth, the signs were everywhere and they led back to her brother. He was actually alive. She's happy to see him still breathing, and yet the fear still lingered. The moon was hidden from sight for now which meant she was safe. She loosens the grip on her pistol to grab Velkan and help him sit up against the wall. He seemed dazed as his eyes remained closed and he continued to mutter to himself. "Velkan...". She grabs at his shoulders and shook him lightly. "Velkan, it's me, Anna." His mind was clearly somewhere else. She looked around uncertain of what to do before landing on one suggestion. Unsure as to whether or not her brother could actually hear her in that moment she told him, "Just stay here and try not to move, I'll go get you some water."

It wasn't far at all as she grabbed a glass cup and started filling it up. She made her way back only to see Velkan standing and trying to walk into the family room. "Velkan you idiot, I thought I told you to stay put!" She quickly grabbed one of his arms before settling him on a couch. "Anna....." he said weakly as he looked up at her. His eyes suddenly turned wide. "Anna!" He shoots up to his feet, grabbing her arms in a desperation. "I don't have much time I'm-"

"Save it, I know you're a werewolf, but it's fine; we'll figure it out." I'm not losing you again.

"Anna look, you don't understand there's a-".

His words were cut short as his eyes loomed over to the window. The full moon was out once more. "No, no not now!"Anna starts slapping her brother, trying to keep his attention on her. "Velkan look at me, you can fight it!" One of his hands shoots out at her, gripping her arm far too tightly. She manages to escape his vice grip, taking a few steps back. Even from a good few feet away, Anna could feel the heat radiating off of her brother intensely.

His muscles bulged and contorted as he grew bigger in size. "ANNA!" He cries out. Anna could only look in horror at the monster her brother was becoming. "Anna, there's a...cure!!!" He howls out albeit barely intelligible. He'd flipped over a sofa in a fit of uncontrollable pain and rage, using whatever will power he had left to gain distance. His pleading blue eyes meeting Anna's one last time. "Run..." The raw emotion in his voice now replaced with a guttural growl. "ruAWRRRR!!!"

  Fur sprouted from his body, a snout formed from his nose and mouth, large sharpened canines began to take form as his regular teeth fell out onto the floor in a pool of blood and saliva

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Fur sprouted from his body, a snout formed from his nose and mouth, large sharpened canines began to take form as his regular teeth fell out onto the floor in a pool of blood and saliva. His once azure eyes now took on a more glossy amber hue similar to that of a harvest moon. Anna was frozen in place. Stop shaking and lift the damn gun, she kept trying to tell herself. But she couldn't. The werewolf was in its full form now and looked back at her with indifferent rage before going for the kill. "Get Down!!!" She heard from behind her. She was tackled to the ground as shots continued to go off. She looked up to find her guest shooting off rounds at her brother. "Van Helsing please, don't shoot!" She got up quickly and grabbed at his arm, pulling it downward and making him miss. Luckily for her, this was enough to scare the beast away as the shot barely grazed him. Van Helsing looked at her and was livid. "That's not your brother anymore Anna!"

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