Chapter 2: Strainul(Stranger)

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Anna's Training had been relentless in the past few weeks. She had always had a mastery of arms and yet, no one had ever seen her as focused and calculated as she was. Her newfound determination and focus coming as a surprise to everyone. Defenses had been raised and the townspeople seemed ready for any unwanted or unexpected threats. That was until two newcomers arrived in there midst. One was armed to the teeth and the townsfolk knew it in spite of his worn out trench coat and hat hiding most of what was underneath. The other seemed far more meek and small and dressed in robes carrying a large duffel bag. A monk? Anna thought to herself. Naturally, everyone was wary of these men as they approached the center of the town. Anna stood at the forefront to intercept the two, demanding they state their business.

The taller of the two men stepped forward saying his purpose was to deal with there vampire problem. The nerve, she thought. On one hand, Anna knew she needed the help, but on the other, she didn't know this man. She didn't know what his price for his services where and she didn't know if he had ulterior motives. The princess initially dismisses the man, telling him to leave, and that they had no vampire problem. What she didn't expect next was a crossbow to be aimed at her head. She instinctively ducked down only to hear bolts hit flush overhead followed by screeches of agony and rage from all too familiar voices; Marishka, Verona, and Aleera. The brides have arrived....

 The brides have arrived

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  The townspeople scattered in a panic with a few being seen snatched up into the air, helpless as they were drained dry of blood

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The townspeople scattered in a panic with a few being seen snatched up into the air, helpless as they were drained dry of blood. Shots from the stranger's crossbow continued to go off in rapid succession in an attempt to take down the targets. Any of the townsfolk who were armed tried there best to stand and fight only to fall victim to the vampiress's assault. The stranger actually managed to save one man by getting a clean shot off on what appeared to be Verona on account of her brunette hair. The sun began to bleed through the murky clouds and unfortunately for the humans, the shot was nothing fatal as the brunette, by the looks of her, managed to recover quickly and disappeared for cover. Anna succeeded in evading Verona and Marishka long enough to find cover in one of the nearby houses, unaware of the fate of the stranger who seemingly saved her skin.

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