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Never in his career had he received such a large grid penalty. After intense discussions being carried between him and his team as he angrily pleaded for them to find a way to discuss the penalty with the FIA, Max found himself having to accept his unfortunate outcome.

"Max, this doesn't change anything, you understand?" Christian, the team principal, told him as the driver readied himself for the upcoming race. "You go out there, win that race..."

Whatever was said to him seemed to come into one ear and leave out the other. Max didn't seem to be truly hearing the words that were so profusely preached to him as he adjusted the balaclava to his head.

"Max, do you hear me?" Christian called for his attention again. Nothing. Helmet on.

Nearly a decade of working alongside the enigmatic Dutch driver had granted Horner an intimate understanding of Max Verstappen, a knowledge that often surpassed Max's own self-awareness. As the seconds ticked by in unyielding silence, a foreboding shadow settled over the team leader's face. It was a subtle shift in Max's demeanor, a clear sign that this race would be anything but tranquil for the Red Bull team. In that charged moment, Max was a tempest, unyielding and unpredictable, signaling a storm on the horizon that would challenge not just the racetrack but whatever command he could possibly want to give to him during the race.

As the lights were off and the thunderous engines roared to life, slicing through the air with an electrifying intensity, Max Verstappen surged forward into the track. The initial moments of the race saw him swiftly gaining ground, nearly overtaking Charles Leclerc with just fifteen laps in. However, Max soon realized he wasn't the sole contender eager to secure an early advantage. Less than a second behind him, Carlos Sainz navigated the twists and turns with precision, relentlessly pursuing second place.

In the initial laps, Max skillfully widened the gap between himself and Carlos, creating a significant distance. However, when the Red Bull driver made his first pit stop of the race, the milliseconds narrowed again, reigniting the fierce battle between Ferrari and Red Bull. The roar of the crowd grew louder, a reaction to the escalating intensity on the track. Through every curve, they fought, with each attempted overtake intensifying.

True to Max's aggressive on-track demeanor, he exhibited a relentless refusal to yield any space to Carlos. The battle reached its peak as the Red Bull driver pressed on, closing in on the Ferrari at every corner. Yet, this aggressive approach had its consequences. In a critical moment, Carlos struggled to break within the confines of a curve, resulting in a slight scrape against Max's car.

"Max, you got damage on your left wing." His strategist's voice rang on the radio.

No answer for Max, his car seems to slow down.

"Max, what's going on? Did you receive more damage?" A slight desperation on the radio could be heard. They knew the car wasn't slowing down, Max was slowing down.

Discreetly allowing Carlos to overtake him, Max strategically granted the Ferrari driver a fleeting sense of victory. However, the illusion was shattered in an instant. As they approached another curve, Max unleashed a sudden surge of speed, not pressing onto the brake, leading into a crash. The front of the Red Bull car collided forcefully with the back of the Ferrari, propelling both vehicles into the unforgiving embrace of the barriers at speeds exceeding 200 kilometers per hour. The thunderous impact echoed through the air, marking a dramatic climax to their intense rivalry on the racetrack. The collision not only altered the trajectory of the race but left the audience breathless, as the consequences of Max's bold move unfolded in a cloud of debris around the track.

To his luck, or his planned luck, Max quickly left his car unharmed. Tossing his wheel away as he made his way out of the car.

Their crash replayed endlessly on the media outlets and so did their strange behavior afterwards. Completely avoiding each other as they both headed their own separate ways to leave the track.

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