𝟗 - 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮'𝐫𝐞 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐞

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As their mouths came together in a gentle yet passionate kiss, Charles felt like he could breathe again— desperate to have met his lips since the last time they'd parted. With all the confusion and misunderstandings cleared up, the boy let himself melt into Max's touch. He tilted his head and kissed back, his mouth parting slowly open as to give the other man permission to deepen their kiss and if he was able to speak in that moment he would not have been above begging. There was no line he would not cross to have Max in this exact position, the world outside of them no longer holding any importance.

His breathing hitched at the contact between them, his body leaning into the man's touch and sinking into him as if he'd been perfectly molded to fit in his hands. "I'm not going anywhere," Charles whispered in response to the question, his hands running softly through the blond hair as the man's mouth found its place on his neck, sending shivers down his spine that he had no doubt Max was able to sense; there was no hiding the effect that he had on him but Charles didn't mind. Knowing Max as well as he did, the brunette found it safe to assume that he enjoyed having him under his control like this.

"Max..," he whispered, his voice cracking softly despite having spoken just one word.

Untangling his hand from the man, Charles slowly brought it down to his shoulder, squeezing it just enough to get his attention. With his mouth no longer on his neck, Charles felt the absence to be almost painful but as he looked into the blue eyes, he wasn't sure how to make his request. To buy himself an extra minute, and because he needed more of him, the brunette connected their lips once again. Wrapping his arms around his neck, Charles pulled his own body closer to him and when there was no refusal, he found himself practically on his lap and exploring his mouth like it was essential that he memorize it.

"Can we go slow tonight?," Charles asked, pressing a kiss to his cheek and then to his lips, "I need more than just sex," he admitted embarrassingly and much to his own dismay felt his eyes water at the soft confession, "can I be yours tonight?" He was hardly audible and he wasn't sure if Max understood what he was asking for or if adding more emotions to their already sticky situation was even something that he wanted.

Max froze at the request, he had assumed that what they had going on was nothing but fooling around, sex at its best. After all, to consider anything more that casualties would be out of the range of possibilities, they both had girlfriends, careers to follow, dreams to fulfill, and jobs to keep. The request made by the Ferrari driver somewhat infringed those rules, in all its vulnerability it was a confession that he wanted more than just sex in between them.
The blonde had not expected it, and much less had he expected his heart to race so fast to the request. That was a feeling of adrenaline familiar to him but only when he had championship battles on track, when his win was on the line. His win was on the line.

The male parted his lips, looking for words to answer the other driver's request, but for a moment he strongly hesitated on what he wanted to say. He couldn't possibly refuse any request done by the other man, after all, he'd do anything to keep him around.
"Alright..." He finally answered, softly pushing Charles into the bed. "Just for tonight then." he paused, stripping himself off his shirt, not putting much of a rush to any of his movements.

"Just for tonight," Charles agreed, laying down on his back and watching intently as the man above him began to undress, Charles' green eyes trailed down every line on his chest before catching the man's eyes again right as their lips met. Sinking further into the bed, Charles let every worry melt away and knew that if they would only ever have one night of completely belonging to each other then he wanted to engrave every touch, every movement, and every detail deep inside.

"You're mine." Max whispered.

Charles's mouth was moved with a delicacy that stayed true to the man's wants, the intimacy much more profound than anything they had done before. Brushing his fingertips gently across Max's chest as if he was a work of art that he was too afraid to damage, wanting to preserve it, he lifted his own body up just enough so that the space between them was nonexistent. Breaking the kiss, Charles tugged at his own shirt and felt slightly embarrassed when he removed it in a less graceful manner than Max but when he met his eyes, there was no sense of judgment.

Adrenaline: A Lestappen StoryWhere stories live. Discover now