chapter 1

31 1 25

~harry's pov~ (thanks to @PoopNuttyBitch22 lol)

him. i hate him.

he thinks he's the center of everyone's attention all the time. he thinks that if he does something, everyone else has to do it too. he thinks that wreaking havoc on my whole life will make him feel better about himself, which is understandable considering i'm superior to him in every way, but why me?

he's always proving how smart he is in potions, like anyone cares. he can't stop bragging about every single thing he does, i swear even if he took a shit he would walk out of the bathroom yelling, "I JUST TOOK THE MOST GINORMOUS SHIT! BIGGER THAN YOU EVER COULD!" and point at some random kid who did nothing. i don't understand why he does the things he does most of the time. he's just a nuisance to be completely honest.

he's so annoying with his gorgeous platinum blonde hair and his plump lips. he think he can do anything he wants with my life and get away with it? well guess wha-

i trip over a hard object and i find the floor rapidly moving towards my face, right before i feel all consciousness drip away from my body. 

i open my eyes slightly and see bright white streaks shining on me. i open my eyes a little further, but then everything goes dark again. i assume that i've fainted again, but i hear someone's voice from beside me. 

"finally awake potter? you had me sat here for three hours straight! i had to skip potions because of you!! i didn't mean for you to faint, you stupid-stupid...AGH i can't even insult you because of this. look what you've done to me!" 

i had no doubt the mystery tripper was him, but it was comforting to know i haven't made any new enemies, at least, not that i know of. though, for some insane reason, my heart pumped faster at the familiar voice. i pushed the horrid feeling beneath me and slowly sat up, resting my back on the bedframe, and continuing to refrain from making eye contact with the boy next to me. 

"potter?" he spoke softer this time, seeming to be genuinely worried for me. i knew better than to believe that. it's impossible that he has even an ounce of empathy towards me, so i just turn my face further away from him.

i hear shuffling from his side of the room and i see him sitting on the edge of the ward's bed from the corner of my eye. i finally turn towards him, confused and internally extremely flustered, which i will never admit. i look up and into his eyes, which i find already staring into mine. this time, he turns his head away first, staring intently at the floor. i try to contain the butterflies swarming my insides, but i can't seem to bring myself to. 

draco lifts himself off of the bed, not once reconnecting his eyes with mine and grabs his things. with his back facing towards me and his face towards the door, he mutters out a silent, "i'm going to leave now,". he slowly walks towards the doorway, like something inside of him is hoping i'll ask him to stay. 

i desperately try to grasp at the words i want to say, trying to get him to stay here with me, but i cannot find them by the time he steps out of the doorway and leaves my sight. 

-the next day-

i crash into the doors of the potions classroom, creating a loud noise that captures everyone's attention, especially snape's. i knew i shouldn't have slept so late last night thinking about him. wait-no, not him. his unexpected presence in my state of unconsciousness, which deeply affected me in a bad way. yes. that. 

"well?" snape asks, which tells me i had been daydreaming. i internally smack myself for digging myself an even deeper grave, and i feel all the eyes in the room on me. i even hear ron's muffled giggling, which enrages me. 

"uhh..." i mutter, still not knowing what the question was and what the answer should be. 

"GO SIT DOWN, YOU INCOMPETENT FOOL. five points from gryffindor for harry's incompetence and tardiness." he snaps at me, pointing to the only empty seat in the class. i groan and lug my baggage to the seat, but then i realize who i'm going to be sitting next to. 

"okay class, the seats that you are in right now are going to be your permanent seats until your OWLs. so i hope you can concentrate because there are going to be no exceptions." snape babbles on, continuing with his lesson after saying a couple of sentences that shake my whole being. 

i cautiously sit next to him, not wanting to provoke him in any way since i've already started off my day in the worst way possible. he shifts away slightly, thinking i don't notice, but i do. and for some horrible, strange, unwelcome reason it hurts me. it hurts a lot, and he didn't even do anything that bad. 

he doesn't speak to me at all, which is overwhelmingly strange considering he'll take any opportunity to be as rude as he can to me. he sits still, taking notes and watching snape write ingredients and other things that don't matter to me at this current moment on the board. 

i zone out of the world, but find myself focused on only draco. the way he swiftly moves his pencil on the paper with his delicate pale hands. i observe how focused he is, the sort of crinkle his eyebrows make as if he's completely concentrated on whatever he's doing. i smile softly when i see him brutally erasing an error he made from the paper and rewriting over the murder ground like nothing happened. his silver eyes dart from left to right on the paper, hoping to not find any more mistakes. i might hate him, but he's extremely captivating. 

"i can't focus with you staring at me like that potter," he finally speaks, turning his face towards me, and develops a small smirk. i internally smile at the return of his normal teasing self, relieved. 

"excuse me, but i can't focus when you're murdering your paper with your eraser!" i retort, also smiling back at him, unable to control myself. his face retains its smile for a few seconds, but then resolves to a somber face.

"i'm sorry." a soft whisper comes from him, before he looks up at me. i gasp when i see draco's apology is genuine, his eyes dark and sorrowful. i don't understand how the draco malfoy just apologized to me, but i'm not going to let it slide that easily.

"hey. it's fine. i try my best to turn your life into living hell too, anyways. and you do realize you just said 'i'm sorry' to me? your mortal enemy? hello? am i missing something?" i reply, continuing to use the soft tone he used in his apology to not draw attention from anyone. a smile creeping on my face, genuinely showing him that everything's alright.

draco giggles softly at my lame attempt at cheering him up (successfully, by the way) and my heart jumps out of my chest. i can feel myself slowly dropping my walls for him, wanting, begging myself to let him in. but i know that i can't. not yet, at least. not until i know for sure. 


...hey guys lol

soooo i'm back

what's up?

i'm so so so surprised with how many reads my other drarry fanfic got and i love everyone who complimented my writing and all of yall just made me feel so much better ab myself and my work so... here you go!

the first chapter of a story which i hope you won't count on for continuous updates because yall know i don't do that!!

love you pooks!! see u in the next chapterrr!! <33

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