[au] picassO

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chan hurried down the stairs, soonyoung was definitely going to murder him for being late.

he entered the backdoor of the auditorium, seeing that the performances had already began. thank god soonyoung wasn't expecting for chan to greet him prior to his performance, however the junior expected the freshman to have a video prepared for him.

chan checked the performance schedule on his phone, thankful that he arrived just around two performances before soonyoung's.

he found himself a seat, although a bit more too the side than he would like (but lates can't be choosers).

he watched as the people danced across stage, the lighting changing accordingly. he admired these people, being free to do whatever they want, to express themselves freely on a stage.

for people to see.

chan thinks back to when soonyoung tried to get him to join the dance club, but chan, being the freshman and the idiot that he is, declined. he gaslighted himself into thinking that he needed the first semester to get used to his new classes (he knew he never would get used to the new place).

he often visited the dance studio behind the older's back, using a small space as his own and playing music and just letting the song and the rhythm control his body.

his stress reliever was dance, and he made it his goal to audition for the dance team next semester.

their competition season was next semester, and to say that soonyoung was going to be stressed was something. being co-captain of the team must be a lot. chan thinks to himself.

chan's attention was thrown back to the present reality as the familiar sound of soonyoung's favourite song begins playing and the man himself is now on stage.

the freshman tapped play on his phone, recording soonyoung a fancam as best as he could from where he sat.

cheers erupted all around him as soonyoung moved, always capturing everyone's attention and everyone's love. a natural dancer, he'd heard the school's dance team choreographer and coach say.

he wishes he could be like soonyoung.

chan ended the recording when soonyoung left the stage, disappearing behind the curtain. the freshman couldn't watch the rest of the show with any enjoyment anymore.

he'd dug himself this hole hadn't he?

when the performances ended and everyone cane back on stage, chan couldn't bring himself to lift his phone to take a picture of soonyoung and junhui anymore.

he got up after the curtain fell, trying to be the first one out of the auditorium.

a sophomore stopped him in his spot, he's seen him before lounging around the dance club.

the taller handed him a folded up sheet of paper, patted chan's shoulder lightly, turned around, and just left him standing there.

chan exited the auditorium, finding himself a quieter corner of the hallway and opened the sheet of paper.

on it, were several hurried but accurate drawings of chan, and the man himself could see the way his expressions changed in the drawings.

from the genuine excitement to the resigned smile at the bottom of the page, a frowning face scribbled next to it.

beside it, was a short note.

'hello, we've never talked before but you're pretty and i thought you just wanted to see this. i hope your days get better. -myungho'

myungho... chan would remember him and make sure to thank the older the next chance he got. 

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