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it's calm. i can't see where i am, but it is very relaxing here. the wind brushes the grass and then it falls silent again. my arm goes across the grass. it's so soft. it's spring. suddenly my nose gets ticklish and i get something wet on it. i open my eyes. laki with her wet nose and whiskers tries to wake me up. as she sees me open my eyes, her mouth opens and i feel her stinky breath. "eh laki~" i push her off me and sit up. something falls off my chest to my lap. a stick. laki moves it with her nose and then runs laps around me, ready to play. "i can't even sleep in peace, so to play with you?" she barks at me, butt up in the sky, her tail wiggling playfully. i laugh. "alright, catch it!"

i throw the stick across the fruit and berry tree valley. she runs after it and disappears from my view. silly dog. i get up and brush off the grass from my clothes. few strands of grass are also in my hair. laki hasn't got back yet. did she lose the stick or did it get stuck in a tree? as i pick grass out of my hair, i go through the fruit and berry tree garden. the scent of the blossoms is so strong and all bees are busy working now. so many fly around the tree and pass by me... ouch! don't tell me i stepped on a bee... laki's collar? how come laki's collar is here... and the stick next to it...

"laki!" i call her many times, but i don't see an excited dog running back to me. i run across the garden, all the time calling out her name. where could she go? she is a smart dog, she wouldn't run away. did someone trespass the territory and steal her? but she wouldn't be so silent. she is nowhere in the garden. maybe she is in the house? "laki!" i run through the tall grass, pushing branches away. but i already see over the yard that there is no one around the house. "laki where are you!" what will grandma say? that is her only company in this house... oh, maybe she is IN the house. i run to the doors and pull them. it's locked. i try a few more times, but it doesn't budge. where could she possibly be? i did not check one place. my place. she usually follows me there. i get up and run again. across all the grandma's house territory.

i've ran so much non-stop, my heart is beating so fast and my legs start to go numb. "laki!" please, please be there. i already can see the extraordinary tree next to the pond and the decorations around it. just a little bit more y/n. i push through the tree branches and.... again him. at my safe place in this whole grandma's garden. with laki. she sits next to hyunwoo on the terrace by the water, smiling and he pats her. him smiling back at laki. i sigh being relieved that laki is safe, but how did he... he looks at me, with the same smile. "for a while i thought you wouldn't come"

the terrible sound of an alarm goes off, my eyes open instantly. what on earth...?! my hands travel across the nightstand, trying to find my phone. finally got the phone, i turn off the alarm. there must be something wrong with me. i sit up, throwing my blanket away. wait... it's been... third dream with hyunwoo in it since i met him. why do all my dreams happen in my grandmother's place and he is there? what is the meaning behind it...? i take my plushie and launch it at the wall, discarding all the frustration in my body. do i... like him? geez, no way. what are you even thinking about? get ready for the university!

water boiling on the stove, croissant in a waffle pan is cooking while i do my morning skincare. maybe this will wash all my silly thoughts away. i turn extra cold water on the sink and rub my face. trembling as goosebumps go all over my legs and arms. but why was he in my place at grandmother's territory? where i always go to relax and spend time alone...how come he found her? why was she friendly with him? aaahh! i pour toner on my hands and slap it in my face. angry face is looking back at me in the mirror. don't get too delusional y/n. it was just a dream! he is just your partner and obviously doesn't have any slightest interest in you. he is just kind. the pot signals that water has boiled as i continue to harshly do my skincare, thinking about everything else except the dream. and hyunwoo.

face slightly red, i go to the kitchen and pour myself my favorite cup of tea. steams travels up and the scent expands in the kitchen. the croissant is also ready. i take it out and put it on a plate. i spread honey across it and put some berries and nuts across it. this won't be enough breakfast for me. i want some yogurt too. i take the first packaging of yogurt i see in the fridge and put all my food on the table. slowly i eat breakfast. the croissant is just perfect. perfect amount of crust and honey with berries just makes it even more better. every time he is kind to me or helps me out, he shows up... y/n. i let out a sigh and take a sip of tea. "ah-!" it's still hot! choi hyunwoo, please get out of my head! if i also manage to stare at him like i once did in university, i will really just vanish into thin air.

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