X - You Saved My Dinner

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Back at the café, Michelle found solace in the rhythmic motions of wiping the countertop, a repetitive task that granted her temporary respite from the swirling emotions within. Her phone buzzed incessantly, each notification a persistent reminder of the world outside the walls of Tahanan, but she pushed them aside, seeking refuge in the sanctuary of her thoughts.

The memory of encountering Anntonia's boyfriend at the fundraiser gnawed at her, a bitter reminder of the unrequited feelings she harbored for the woman who had inadvertently captured her heart. With a resigned sigh, Michelle acknowledged the futility of her emotions, chastising herself for allowing such foolish hopes to take root. In her defense, she didn't know about the guy. "This is what I get for staying offline," she mused bitterly.

Moreover, the unexpected presence of her father at the fundraiser had torn open old wounds, dredging up painful memories that she had long sought to bury. Max, her father's ever-persistent assistant which also happened to be her friend, had been relentless in her attempts to bridge the chasm between them. Michelle would have been infuriated by her incessant prodding if it weren't for the fact that she also provided alibis to her father and shielded her from his unwanted attention.

"You're more handsome than Irfan," Niana's voice interrupted Michelle's reverie, catching her off guard.

Michelle paused in her task, turning to face the younger girl, the only person who managed to engage her in a proper and warm conversation these days.

"And you're saying that because?" Michelle inquired.

"Because I hate seeing you sulk. It's clear as day that you like her, maybe even more than I do, and that's saying something considering I'm supposed to be the fan here. I mean like, you like, like her."

"But we don't involve ourselves with people who are clearly taken. It will only give you headache." Michelle countered.

Niana's response was swift and unexpected. "But keeping everything bottled up only leads to heartache," she declared before sauntering away, leaving Michelle dumbfounded by the younger girl's blunt wisdom.


The barista was just about ready to call it a day, exhaustion finally catching up with her after covering Rhian's shift for the day.

"I hope you still have that wine," Anntonia's voice cut through the subdued atmosphere of the café.

Michelle was taken aback by Anntonia's unexpected presence. She turned to face her, her expression unreadable as she processed the situation.

"What are you doing here?" Michelle questioned, her tone guarded.

Anntonia met her gaze steadily, her own expression determined. "You said I could come to you whenever I need a break from the chaos out there," she reminded Michelle.

Michelle's eyebrows furrowed slightly, skepticism evident in her features. "You clearly have someone better to turn to instead of coming here. Irfan, right?" she retorted, her words tinged with a hint of bitterness.

Anntonia didn't falter, pointing towards Tahanan café sign much like Michelle had done during their first encounter. "No one should be unwelcome here, Michelle," she stated. "So don't push me away. Besides, why would I run to my ex?"

Michelle was surprised and to be honest, somewhat relieved at the model's latest revelation. They lapsed into a tense silence, each holding the other's gaze in a silent battle of wills.

As Michelle and Anntonia remained locked in their silent standoff, a faint smell of burning wafted through the air, cutting through the tension like a knife. Michelle's eyes widened in horror as she realized that she had left her dinner unattended in the back kitchen, forgotten amidst Anntonia's unexpected visit.

Said dinner, a meticulously prepared vegetarian chili, had been simmering on the backburner. The memory of adding a little too much brown sugar for caramelization flickered in her mind.

Before Michelle could react, Anntonia was beside her, her gaze assessing the situation with a calm determination. Without hesitation, she sprang into action, turning off the stove and swiftly removing the smoldering dish from the heat.

Moments later, the model emerged, face smudged with soot but a triumphant glint in her eyes.

"Mission accomplished," she declared, holding aloft a blackened pot. Closer inspection revealed a simmering chili, the smoky scent replaced with the familiar aroma of spices and vegetables. Relief washed over Michelle, followed by a wave of gratitude.

"You... you saved my dinner," Michelle stammered, unable to keep a grateful smile from forming.

"I think a bite or two, and maybe some good company, would be fair compensation?" Anntonia remarked with a smile.


Now sitting across each other, Michelle and Anntonia admired the salvaged dinner before them. Michelle couldn't help but be amazed by how well the dish had turned out despite its near brush with disaster. They ate in silence and finished dinner in no time.

"Wow," Michelle quipped. "That was amazing. I don't think my cooking skills could have pulled that off even without the... incident. You're a great cook," she complimented sincerely.

Anntonia smiled, a hint of nostalgia in her expression. "I wanted to be a chef," she admitted, her voice tinged with fondness for a dream long buried beneath the glitz and glamour of the modeling world.

"Growing up, I was always in the kitchen with my mom. She had this magic touch with ingredients, turning them into these incredible feasts. I used to dream of creating flavors that could make people smile the way hers did," her eyes wandered to the dishes on the table.

Michelle's eyes softened as she listened to Anntonia, letting her words sink in.

"But then life happened," the model continued softly, her fingers tracing patterns on the tablecloth. "When my mother fell ill, we were faced with mounting medical bills and the crushing weight of uncertainty. Cooking suddenly seemed like a luxury we couldn't afford."

"Modeling wasn't something I ever envisioned for myself," she confessed, her voice tinged with resignation. "But when the opportunity presented itself as a means to support my family, I couldn't turn it down. It was a way to earn money quickly, to ensure my mother received the care she needed."

A flicker of sadness danced in Anntonia's eyes, a silent acknowledgment of the sacrifices she had made along the way.

Moved by Anntonia's heartfelt revelation, Michelle reached across the table, her hand gently covering Anntonia's. "I'm sorry," she began, her voice filled with empathy and understanding. "I had no idea about your dreams or the sacrifices you've had to make. It takes so much strength to put aside your own aspirations for the sake of your loved ones."

"Thank you, Michelle," Anntonia whispered, her voice thick with emotion. "For listening, for understanding... for being here."

"I feel like I can be myself around you," the model admitted, a sense of relief washing over her. "It's liberating, to be able to share my dreams and struggles without fear of judgment."

As she spoke those words, Anntonia knew that she wanted to reciprocate the support and kindness that Michelle had shown her. "I'm sorry about the incident with your father."

Michelle's eyes darted away from her, tension creeping into her posture. Anntonia sensed the walls being put up again, "You don't have to tell me anything. Just know that I'm here for you," she added earnestly.

The warmth of their connection lingered even as the conversation lulled. Anntonia glanced at the clock, a touch of regret gracing her features. "I should probably get going," she said softly. "But I hope you don't ignore me from now on?"

Just as she turned to leave, Michelle's voice, soft yet resolute, pierced the silence. "Please stay."


AN: Thoughts? :)

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