Caishen Meets a Prince

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        Caishen groans as he rolls over in bed, blinking the sleep out of his eyes as he adjusts to the bright atmosphere of the room. 

        Had he slept in?

        Caishen grunts as he rolls out of bed, his feet hitting the wooden floorboards as he shuffles to the door, sliding it open to reveal the spacious living space. 

        "Oh! You're awake!" a familiar feminine voice calls out as Caishen scans the room. 

        "Katara" Caishen greets, shuffling over to the table she knelt by, "How late is it?" 

        She hums as she stands up, "Not too late. We already had breakfast about two hours ago. I was going to wake you, but Aang said to let you rest."

        At the mention of the Airbender, Caishen thinks back to their conversation last night, his cheeks turning pink at the memory.

        '...You and I are in this together...Deal?'

        Did he really mean that? How could you be kind and warm even after knowing what happened to his people?

        Caishen clears his throat, "So where is Aang? Or even Sokka?"

        Katara rolled her eyes at his question, "Oh, you mean our simple monk? He's busy not letting the attention go to his head. As for my idiot brother, he's been sulking all morning about getting beaten by women."

        Caishen frowns at her tone, "What does that even mean?"

        Katara sighs, "Trust me, I'm sure you'll find out later."

        "Right...and what are you up to?"

        "I'm going to the market to pick up some supplies. The other boys might not like it, but we need to move on soon. And we're going to need food."

        "Sounds about right. Need any help?"

        Katara smiles at Caishen, "Thanks, Caishen. But I should have it handled. You should head to the market and pick up your own supplies though. You should probably get your own clothes, a pack, water canteen, and whatever else you can find." Katara sighed heading towards the door, "Suki said that they'll give us anything we may need, so you shouldn't have to worry about money. Good luck."

        "You too!" Caishen called as the door slid closed. 


        "Thank you so much for your help. Have a great day!" Caishen smiles at the merchant as he slings his new bag over his shoulder as he turns to leave.

        Letting his eyes scan the market stalls as he walks, Caishen looks for anything else he may need on their upcoming journey. He had already purchased a simple red leather bag that hung off his shoulder. Inside said pack he had a metal canteen for water, some basic first aid supplies, and an extra change of clothes in the same style as what he wore now. 

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