Sixth chapter : First day at the Hospital

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Alan wakes up in a hospital bed, the morning light flooding the room, and he senses a presence beside him in the bed. He turns his head and sees Kassandra sleeping peacefully beside him.

Seeing her, he remembers what happened yesterday. He looks at his arm and notices the tiny hole from the needle, which is beginning to heal. He is still very weak, but this night of sleep was more than welcome.

He looks at Kassandra, deeply asleep on his right arm, which she's actually crushing, and as he looks at her, he doesn't know why, but he feels the beginning of a sort of attachment. He gazes at her with a deep, questioning look.

In his eyes, one can see the myriad questions he's pondering right now. Why does she make him feel safe by her side ? Why would he take reckless risks for her ? And above all, why does she choose to wake up now, just as he's looking at her so deeply ?!

On her side, Kassandra wakes up to see Alan looking at her with... tenderness !

She is initially surprised to see tenderness in Alan's eyes, but she is even more surprised to see that this look is directed at her. However, seeing Alan quickly avert his gaze when he notices her waking up, she decides to tease him.

Kassandra (teasingly): So, watching me sleep, huh ?

Alan (in denial): I don't know what you're talking about. I was just trying to free my arm that you've been pinning down for ages. I don't have much blood left, so we should let what's left serve some purpose.

Kassandra (lifting her head to let Alan retrieve his arm): Ooooh okay, I see, I'm heavy.

Alan (finally able to retrieve his arm): No, it's not that, but with your giraffe neck, you're cutting off my blood circulation.

Kassandra (pretending to be shocked): A GIRAFFE NECK, IS THAT HOW YOU DESCRIBE ME ?!

Alan: Yeah, I think it's quite fitting.

Kassandra (lying back down after sitting up for Alan's arm): It's the first time I've seen you make a joke...

Alan (awkwardly): No, but it wasn't a joke.

*Kassandra slaps him*

Alan (not actually hurt): Ouch.

Kassandra chuckles at the situation, and Alan starts to smile, a rare occurrence.

Kassandra (sarcastically): Second time I've seen you smile in two days, you're positively buzzing with joy lately.

Alan: Want to see something that harks back to happier times ?

Kassandra (curious): Sure.

Alan reaches his left arm out of the bed to rummage in his bag and retrieve his medal.

Alan: Introducing my Trap Shooting medal.

Kassandra laughs and takes it in her hands, turning it over to admire it.

Kassandra: First place.

Alan: Yep, that's why I'm such a shooter.

Kassandra (falsely interested in the prize): Is it gold ?

Alan (surprised and amused): I don't know, I haven't tried to magnetize it.

Kassandra: Can you teach me to shoot as well as you ?

Alan (laughing): Sure, but in return, you'll teach me hunt and archery, because I'm terrible with a bow.

Kassandra (also laughing): Deal, I'm in.

The two laugh together for a few seconds, then Kassandra finally decides to ask a question she's been eager to ask.

Kassandra (handing him the medal): Tell me, who is Emerick ? Was he your brother ?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02 ⏰

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