Second Chapter : The opportunity to do something right

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Alan looks dubiously at the bus surrounded by zombies.

Alan (in his head): If I do this, shots will be fired. Is it worth it? Is their life worth it ?

Alan (taking a deep breath of boredom): Goddammit.

He takes his rifle, checks the condition of the cartridges inside, and advances towards the bus.

Inside, a young girl holds one of her friends in her arms, appearing to try to help her hold on. Apart from her, very few of the other people seem to be emotionally strong.

She continues to hold her when she notices among the immense mass of undead shadows, a much more imposing shadow.

Outside, Alan raises his rifle and prepares to plant the zombie in front of him squarely in the head. He takes a deep breath and strikes, but a few centimeters before the zombie becomes truly dead, Alan stops. He notices that even very close to them, they do not notice him. He steps back, takes a 2 euro coin lying in his pocket, and flicks it with his thumb. When the clinking of the coin is heard, the zombies start to turn around.

Alan instantly realizes that the zombies are attracted by noise and by the largest source of nearby humans thanks to their sense of smell. He stops thinking when the zombies finally understand that there was something more interesting outside.

Inside, the girl who was providing emotional support watches as one of the zombies turns around and instantly has its head crushed by a violent blow from the butt of a rifle. She startles, and the noise attracts the attention of the other passengers but also, and especially, of the other zombies outside. Alan tries not to fire any shots to conserve ammunition, but also because he doesn't know if there are other enemies nearby.

The first zombie approaches, and Alan plants it with his rifle. Another one grabs his left arm, but he pushes it away and kicks it in the knee to make it fall. He takes another one and crushes its head with his bare hands against a nearby tree. He turns around, and two zombies come at him. He strikes with the scissors blade of his rifle and manages to kill them, but his scissor blades won't hold up for long along with the tape around them. However, the earlier wounded zombie grabs his calf and prepares to bite him. Fortunately, Alan manages to get rid of it by smashing its head with his shoe.

He backs away and sees one of the girls inside the bus (the one who was helping another girl earlier) waving her arms behind him. He turns around and reflexively fires a shot that hits a zombie that was too close to him. He thanks her with a hand gesture and returns to work.

Inside, the group is speechless at the sight of this massacre. They watch Alan put a blow with his rifle on one of the zombies and manage to kill it, but this action breaks his scissor blades, and the remaining two zombies get closer. He then arms his arm and delivers a huge blow with the butt that explodes the heads of the two zombies at the same time.

Alan takes a deep breath and rests the butt of his rifle on the ground, taking a few seconds to calm himself. He turns around and looks at the bus passengers. Except for three of them-the girl who had saved him earlier, another girl, and a young boy-they startle. He approaches the door calmly, gesturing with his finger to open it, but none of them move.

Alan leans against the door and mutters.

Alan: Goddammit, can people really be that stupid ?

Until the girl who had helped him gets up and opens it for him. Alan sighs contentedly and enters.

Alan: As you could see, the way is clear. Follow me, we're getting out.

One of the boys stops him and says.

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