Investigating With Izaya Orihara (Class D)

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Izaya POV

Finally, I have reached the end of my investigation with the most defective class of them all, Class D. Out of all the classes, I'm most excited to see Class D.

I reached the class and opened the door. Immediately, I saw four students whom I could tell were not part of this class. The most noticeable thing was that one of the boys was playing rock-paper-scissors with a beautiful girl. It looked like the match just ended, judging by the girls angered look.

"Huh, who are you?" The boy who was playing the game asked.

"Hello, my name is Izaya Orihara. Sorry, am I interrupting something?" I asked.

"No, we just finished. My name is Sora. This is here is my little sister Shiro and these two are Ayanokouji Kiyotaka and Katagiri Yuuichi."

"It seems you had the game of rock-paper-scissors."

"Guess you can say that. We just wanted to prove our superiority over these defects." It was just like I predicted. The students of the special class would also investigate the other classes and I anticipated that I would meet at least some of them during my visits.

"Mind if I play?"

"Alright, we'll play a round. Let me explain the rules. In this game, I will only play paper. If I play anything other than paper, then I lose. If I beat you with rock or scissors, you'll lose as well, meaning it's a tie. It'll also be a tie if we both use paper. Anything else is a win. In simple turns, I can only use paper. If we tie you win and if you choose scissors you win, got it."

"Yeah, I got."

Honestly, it may sound like it's very complicated, but it's really not. The way he explained it makes the opponent think to play scissors, but they will overthink it, not being able to see the trap set by Sora. If you read between this rigged match of rock-paper-scissors, it is nothing but a normal game. Judging from this, Sora will anticipate that I will either choose scissors to win or papers and tie the game. The opponent would think of this and may have considred to just tie the game but when humans see a clear chance of victory, no matter how strange the circumstances will latch on to it. Sora knows and thus, he will choose rock, leading to his victory. I must say he is quite clever. Normal humans wouldn't be able to see through this, but I'm not a normal human.





A moment of silence filled the classroom. Then, a cry of shock.


It was something I hadn't expected. I expected that he would have chosen rock but instead, he chose scissors.

"You lost. But it was still a great try. You were able to see through my trick but you should know, Blank never loses," Sora said with an arrogant smile

A large smile grew on my face and a laugh started to come from my mouth. Everyone was shocked by this.

"Hahahaha, this is why I love humans. Sora, thank you. You have proved my reason for coming to this school was not a waste."

"Whoa, calm down there, buddy," Sora said with concern.

"Sorry, sorry. It's just that I love humanity and you have just proven my reasons why."

"May I ask, but what class are you from?" Ayanokouji asked.

"That's a secret you will find out May 1st and I assume that you won't tell me what class you're from. But anyway, I'll see you around," I quickly rushed out the door.

"Hey, wait," Sora said, but I was already down the hallway.

Although I wasn't able to gather much from Class D, I could easily tell that they were surprisingly united except for a few individuals. But the most important information I gathered was the special class. Sora, Shiro, Ayanokouji, Katagiri, and the rest of them. I can't wait to see what they have in store.

We have finally reached the end of our investigation with Izaya. What do guys think. Although I don't know I was right about the rock-papar-scissors game that Sora created was just normal rock-paper-scissors but that's what I could tell. Also, I hope that my characterization of Izaya was close to how he would have acted.

Thanks for reading.

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