Introductions: Class E

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Takashi POV

Hello, the names Chihara Takashi, age 15. I have black hair and red eyes. And Right now, I am now a student of the Tokyo Metropolitan Advance Nurturing High School. Now, normally, I wouldn't be bothered to come to a school like this, but my brother somehow convinced me to apply here with him.

Now I'm currently walking the hallway to my class. As I walked there, I noticed the strange number of cameras there were. Seems they take security very seriously here, or maybe there's more to it. Eh, who cares? I'm too tired for this shit.

When I finally reached the class, I opened the door and noticed that there were some students already here. I couldn't be bothered with them and went straight to my seat at the back of the class near the window and went to sleep.

Third Person POV

As Chihara slept, more students flowed into the classroom. Once all the students were seated, the bell rung and the teacher entered the room. The teacher had blond hair and crimson red eyes.

"Good morning students, my name is William James Moriarty and I will be your teacher for the next three years. Unlike other schools, we do not change classes every year, so get to know each other well."

"Now I will distribute written materials regarding the school along with the admissions guide."

After he handed out the materials, he continued.

"Also, I will be handing your student ID cards. With these, you will be able to access facilities on campus and you can buy anything located on campus using points alloted to you by the school."

"You have been given 100,000 points this month. One point is equivalent to 1 yen and points are distributed the first of every month."

Some of the students were shocked while some others were intrigued.

"Suprised by the amount? This school evaluates you based on your talents. Also, after graduation, all points are returned to the school, so there is no use in saving up. But while you're here, you can use your points however you like. You can even transfer points to other students. Any questions?" The teacher finally finished.

A student with dark brown hair raised his hand.

"I do, sir."

"Yes, Kudo."

"How many points will we be getting next month?"

"Unfortunately, I am not allowed to divulge such information."

"Alright, then can we buy the information?"

"Hmm, you could. However, that would cost more than just private points and I would suggest you don't spend such points so early."

"Alright, I get it, thank you."

"Are there any other questions?"

"I do." A girl with blond hair and a doll like appearance said.

"What is it, Victorique."

"Are the classes divided by merit?"

"Sorry, but I can't answer that question."

"I see, and I'm guessing if I wanted to buy the information, it would cost whatever other currency there is."

"You would be correct."

"Alright then, I have another question. Usually there are four classes but this year there are five, why?"

"Yes, normally there would be only four classes. However, this year a lot of unique individuals entered this school, and the principal decided to create new classes filled with these individuals."

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