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Those familiar bookshelves surrounded me as I took in the artwork that adorned almost every wall, shining like prophecies under the bright office light. My head buzzed softly as I only half listened to the well-dressed man who sat opposite me, perched elegantly on the plush chairs a my mind swirled painfully with my thoughts.

"I have always loved the name Rachel, you know." He said out of the blue seemingly having caught on to my lack of focus on his words. His change of tone brought me back and I let out a hum of confusion, not sure where this was going.

"Really?" I asked, truly puzzled at the man.

"Of coarse. Are you aware of what your name means in German?" Dr Lecter's smooth voice smothered my doubts and confusion. I didn't say anything, to which he took as enough as an answer. "Rachel means 'innocent lamb', and I feel it is quite fitting for the woman in front of me now." He revealed and I visibly flinched, worry filling my eyes as I gazed up at him with uncertainty.

"Do pray tell, Dr Lecter. I doubt you have figued me out through only two sessions and without looking at my file." I called out to him with faux confidence, masking my emotions immediately as I desperatly attempted to suppress resurfacing memories. But, as my eyes darted to look anywhere other than his eyes, I could tell it was done in vain.

"I have learned that all you need to know about a person is revealed to you withing the first meeting, Rachel." His smooth voice soothed my aching heart like snow over hot coals, however, a weight remained on my chest as I tried my best to seem unaffected.

I said nothing in response to his words and I took this time to gaze at Dr Lecter, drinking the him in like the sweetest of nectars. I took in his immaculate suit, his perfectly combed hair and the slight smug expression that adorned his lips.

"I have come to the conclusion that you are a very private person. You do not like to share your thoughts or actions with others. You can not bring yourself to make eye contact with anyone in fear that they will discover the truth behind you lies and this is most likely rooted in some kind of deep traumatic experience you encountered as a child which has caused you to become hyper-independent. However, you seek comfort and companionship with those around you but your lack of trust in people has built a barrier between you and the life you wish to lead." He began, his words digging into my flesh like individual hooks that drew blood with every sylable. "You refuse to let people in, even in the case of your friend Bev, you don't let anyone see you. You put up a facade that you believe they want to see."

I suddenly felt bare. As if his words stripped the flesh from my bones and all that was left behind was ugly, raw emotion. His mouth had devoured any sense of strength I held and left me weak and defencless.

I regretted asking.

I really regretted asking.

"You are incredibly observational, Dr Lecter." I bit with teary eyes and a tight smile. "Do you know how to help me?" I asked with a slight glimmer of hope because what he said exposed my very being and caused my heart to strain against my chest, it was correct. Every single word.

This was surprisingly refreshing, he told me it exactly how it was and allowed me to realise that I wasn't helping myself as I should be. He was helping me in a way no other of my previous psychiatrists had done previously.

"I believe I do, Ms Addams, but you need to trust me completely and entirely. Do you trust me Rachel?" His velvety voice brought me a type of comfort I had never experienced before and it scared me but also excited me in the best possible way.

Then his phone rings from his pocket to which he fishes out and reads the name brightly displayed on screen. I catch the name 'Jack Crawford' across his phone and I felt a slight flash of deja voo, that was Beverly's boss at Quantico. Why was Jack calling Dr Lecter?

Wretched || H. LecterHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin