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"Why'd you do it ?"

Distorted voices continued to harshly wail in her sensitive mind,

"This is just truly unfortunate now"

A hazy anamnesis began ensue before her fragile eyes,though she couldn't quite grasp what exactly was perusing.It was happening too rapidly for the poor girl to fully comprehend,

"I love you raya"

"Remember me!"

"Be careful..."

           "This is the only way?"


Just before her,the girl could make out a futuristic lab,wires and computers cluttering the white room, a place that had a sense of eerie familiarity to it.

"Stop..."The dazed girl whispered under her breath before screwing her eyes more shut.

Shadows of human figures came in and out of her vision;flashes of bright,fluorescent orbs of light blinded her sight before dimming and drifting out of view.She relentlessly shifted in her troubled sleep,

   "Wicked is good!"

A loud ringing suddenly filled her vulnerable ears,her eyes jolted open as she quickly found herself violently coughing up water.Her slender finger's tightly seized the bitter metal beneath her,the brunette girl gradually began to grasp what was occurring.

A harsh gale blasted between the metal bars straight into her drowsy face and lean body; a shiver began to slowly crawled up her spine.Her alert eyes hastily scanned the metal cage trapping  her in,ropes and a great deal of wooden boxes sat comfortably on top of one another.Big,bold,white letters were painted perfectly on the wooden crate,spelling W.C.K.D.

Everything around her felt surreal,it was happening all too quick still.The brunette girl balled her hand into a fist and pounded forcefully against her rib cage.She continued to wheeze up more water.

The ground remained to move upwards at a rapid speed,she felt nauseous,sick from the action.She had found the strength in her to finally sit up,her skinny hand stayed on her rapidly rising chest as she tried to slow down her ragged breath.She balled her small body into a fetal position,her knees drawn to her chest and her bony arms wrapping around them.

Where am i? She wondered, Why can't i remember anything?

Her breaths came in rapid, shallow bursts, chest heaving as she struggled to take in enough air.The brunette girl failed to recollect the distant memories of who she was,her age,name or even who she is-lost to whoever cruelly erased the past from her troubled mind.Her thick eyebrows furrowed as she tried to remember something, anything.

Whilst the girls heart raced at an alarming rate,the soft palms of her hands became more clammy.Beads of sweat forming on her forehead,a wave of desperation to remember who she was came crashing down.

Though the sweat on her forehead and palms of her hands wasn't one of from a hot summers day-one when the serenity is beautiful and the sun is blissfully shining.

The sweat on her forehead was one of terror, trepidation,dread-one made off of a life or death situation.One when adrenaline is pumping through your veins as panic overwhelms your alarmed mind.

what's my name? She began to think,my name is... She pondered a prolonged and hard time as her clammy hands instinctively made their way to her sweaty forehead,her slender fingers intertwining with her soft, dirty blonde hair.

Wicked Games-thomas Where stories live. Discover now