𝟬𝟵𝟬  the people vs. elizabeth montgomery

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That was the only phrase that had dominated Amelia Shepherd's thoughts for the past eighteen hours. 

Two words that shattered her train of thought like a ringing in her ears: Holy. Crap.

She would've loved to say that she'd predicted this happening. 

She would've loved to say that walking into Beth's apartment and finding that hell had descended into midtown Seattle was something that Amy had seen coming. 

She would've loved to just scream I told you so and let the world have it–– but she hadn't and she couldn't.

What the fuck had happened?

It was sudden, all of this, Amy could tell from the way that she'd watched Beth splinter completely in front of her. Even for her, it'd been so much to process.

How the hell was she supposed to process it?

There was so much that'd just been dumped on top of her. 

She'd sat there in sub-torrential temperatures, cold to the goddamn bone as rain ruined her sneakers and cigarette smoke made all of her clothes smell like shit, and listened to it all. 

Beth had spoken so matter-of-factly, despite how her eyes were red and her nose was snuffed (neither of which, Amy believed, were due to drugs). She'd told Amy everything, every little detail, all the way down to the sting in Beth's chest as she realised that she'd been living in some hyperrealist fantasy world for the last four years.

(Yeah, Beth had said dryly as she recounted how Derek now had her head on the block for drug charges that were not even hers, I could do with that getaway car around about now.)

It was, additionally, the exact phrase that struck her when she saw Dominic Fox for the first time.

Amy spent the last fifteen minutes sat in a meeting room at Seattle Grace Mercy West, counting the seconds until that door opened, revealing the lawyer like a patron saint of the despicable.

 He'd appeared like a holy figure, suit neatly pressed despite the hour, smile easy-going despite the day, and barely a crinkle against him despite how miserable this year was proving to be. 

She knew who he was before he'd even introduced himself–– stiff collar, those glittering eyes, the overwhelming aura of a man who knew exactly how powerful he was?

Yeah, holy crap.

Amy wondered how the hell Beth seemed to find these people. She'd known Beth for more years than she could count and she knew how easily Beth seemed to attract, well, attractive people.

 Was it really as easy as it looked for her? Amy was beginning to have some serious questions. Did Beth have some sort of magnetism to her? Or did she actively search these people out? Did she really go to extra lengths to find a lawyer that looked... well, like that?

Amy had had to squint at him on his entrance, just in case she was seeing things–– no, Dominic really looked that good in a suit. 

He was, for all intents and purposes, flawless down to every single detail. 

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