𝟬𝟳𝟱  these violent delights have violent ends

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It was a standard question, the sort that Teddy Altman had said the moment Beth had stepped into the room. It was the subconscious question, one that came as easily as exhaling. 

The dirty blonde snapped on a pair of gloves, watching as the psychiatrist took off her shirt, allowing the cardiothoracic surgeon to look over the same chest she'd cracked only two and a half months ago in an OR across the city. 

Goosebumps raised across her skin as naked skin met air, Beth adjusted her bra and her pants as she scooted back on an examination bed.

"Good," She breathed out with a bright smile. 

It was as if she'd changed all of the light bulbs in that facial expression. It beamed wide and genuine and unwavering as Teddy began to gently examine the post-surgical site. (The cardiothoracic surgeon didn't miss how Beth seemed to wince slightly as her gentle palms pressed into skin that was still chaste.) 

Teddy raised an eyebrow.

"I mean it. I've been really good."

"Good," Teddy said lightly, flashing a gentle smile as she encouraged Beth to lean back. She gently pressed her hands across Beth's abdomen, testing the muscles in her chest. "That's good to hear."

It was good to hear. (In all honesty, Beth was feeling the best she had in a long time. When Teddy asked her to relax her tendons, she felt as though she truly could-- it was Saturday, her last full day at work before she handed in her resignation, skipped to the courthouse and got onto the next plane out of Seattle.) 

(She was good. No, she was better than good.)

(Maybe, that's why she'd finally decided to actually go to her checkup for once?)

Teddy was gentle, all too aware of the fact that this was the first time she'd actually seen Beth since she'd been discharged from Seattle Pres. 

She'd been unable to come to her three-week check-up and hadn't made it to her rescheduled appointment in week six. She'd cancelled last minute for the eight week too, but now she sat there, shoulders jutted backwards and chin tilted back towards the ceiling as Teddy checked her over.

"How's Charlie?"

Beth smiled at the mention of her fiancé, something that made Teddy smile back at, her head swirling with the shared sentiment that they had for the two Perkins brothers. 

The brunette seemed to flush very slightly at his name, her head bopping very slightly along with her response.

"He's great..." 

Her voice was so light, only contorting very slightly as Teddy applied pressure to her chest cavity, testing Beth's response. Her face seemed to twist very slightly in discomfort as Teddy instructed her to lift her arms over her head. Even so, Beth attempted to keep the light, chastising smile on her lips, no matter how much her brow seemed to pinch in pain. 

"How's Andrew?"

The surgeon caught her eye, a knowingness passing between the two of them; Teddy was caught off-guard slightly, unaware that anyone really knew much about the little love affair she'd been having with the psychiatrist ever since he'd arrived in Seattle, much less Beth. 

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