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Not again, can't they all stay together, well I know they're together, why do they leave me everytime they see a new swing god!! They aren't kids, yet here I am babysitting them, that's why I don't go out with them as I am usually just making sure...

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Not again, can't they all stay together, well I know they're together, why do they leave me everytime they see a new swing god!! They aren't kids, yet here I am babysitting them, that's why I don't go out with them as I am usually just making sure they are alive and together not like I hate it I have taken care of them for as long as I can remember it's just that just sometimes I don't want to.Well not like I have an option whatsoever I start looking for them. I call them but obviously they don't pick up they definitely can't hear the ring in all this noise. I start looking around myself, I look for 15 minutes before I give up and wait near the stall where we parted I started going through my mails to pass my time I know you don't normally work to pass your time but that's how I am or was made... I occasionally glance around to see if I can spot any of them I guess it was the 5th time I glanced up that my world turned upside down, I saw her. I was standing next to a toy shop which mostly had teddy bears and balls I was standing next to a big white teddy bear, the shop vendor was talking to a lady about the price of a ball his kid has been crying for, for the past 5 minutes, there was a guitar playing in the distance, I was reading last week's mail about a vacant land when I saw a girl just a normal girl she wasn't the most beautiful girl I've crossed paths with but there's something different about her I can feel all inside me I know I was staring and should look away but I just can't. She was wearing a short white kurti and a pair of blue jeans she had short hair upto her shoulders. She had brown eyes, and those too decorated with a line of kajal, a til just below her right eye, her lips were a bit full and pink not because of a lipstick it was natural. Her cheeks red, again not because of blush but because of all the laughter she was laughing hard as the kids around her tickled her. When they finally stopped she had tears from all the laughter now she chased after them and caught a little boy, sat on the ground and started tickling him mercilessly and started laughing herself and that brought a natural smile on my face that I didn't even realise turned into giggles. Then suddenly her eyes met mine and everything stopped it felt like it was just the two of us our eye contact lasted for 17 seconds before the kids pulled her and I realised what I was doing and that I can't. I was still smiling I looked away and I don't know why but it hurts. Shit I can't I have never felt this way and I can't I never even had a crush well that's because if I found any girl attractive I'd just never ever see her again and that's exactly what I'll do again... "Hey" the voice touched my ears and my heart stopped for a millisecond, what the hell is wrong with me!? I slowly turn around and I suddenly couldn't breathe, amazing. It was her... Wait it was HER I looked at the spot where she was playing earlier the kids are still there just she is here in front of me staring straight at me with so much warmth in her eyes I instantly melt she is two foot away from me yet very close and now that she's this close I can study her even better, her eyes they are light brown looking magical with the kajal, she had a locket on but I could just see the chain as the locket went inside her kurti I guess I shouldn't have looked there as I think she misunderstood me as she snapped her fingers and I was back to those magical brown eyes, damn I am being so Silly like Shayan. She spoke again and to be real I don't want her to stop, "Hey again, is there something wrong you were laughing at me before and now you are looking at me like you saw an alien what is it?" Only if she knew I wasn't laughing at her but because of her which only Kuhu was capable of doing... until now and that I wasn't staring at her because she felt strange but because she was amazing even up close she was flawless. But I wasn't going to admit it ofcourse I reply with the same chilly voice which everyone thinks I have but my senses weren't responding properly in her presence and I gave a really really stupid reply, "None of your business what I do" she smelled so nice like fresh fruits specifically strawberry and honey. She widened her eyes and said a bit louder this time, "First of all rude and secondly ofcourse it's my business sir it was me who you were staring at like you've never seen a girl before" I finally looked down to clear my head and chose my go to expression the one you won't ever understand the ice cold one and stared straight in her eyes to scare her a bit and replied coldly and loudly, " You silly girl do you think I don't have any work that I'll look at you I'd rather look at the broom lying there also I was not laughing at you for that matter I wasn't exactly laughing so now that I am clear would you mind getting lost I have work ". I know I am being really really rude but that's what I do when a girl sense my attraction towards her this way she leaves crying and herself never show me her face I expected the same from her but I wasn't at all ready for what came next, " You ... You Rudy you are really really mean if you don't know and talking about the laughing part I don't think you are even capable of smiling genuinely gosh I shouldn't have come upto you. You know what go to hell!!!" she was practically shouting and I know I'll sound the dumbest right now but I really liked it never has ever a person except dadu raised a voice at me this was new and interesting but I can't be seen interested so I gave my final reply louder, "Listen up silly I am not interested in whatever you want... And you are right I DO NOT SMILE. Ever. And yes never ever come upto me and talking about hell I myself am the worst hell possible so stay away " she finally looked down and scared I didn't like it one bit but I need to do this just then I hear Kuhu, "Veer Ji!!" I turn to look at her... Alone!? Where are the others. I look at... Silly yeah silly for the last time before I walk to Kuhu. She probably saw us talking as came her question, " Who's she??" I reply looking least interested" No one just a silly girl with silly assumptions. Leave her where are the others? " she looks at her for a moment longer than at me and replies with an annoyed face, " I have no idea all of you got lost one by one and then Bhaiya texted me he had some work so he left that means Veere and Bhai are missing let's go find them " before leaving I quickly take a last glance at silly and Kuhu sees it but says nothing. Strange. Well it is a strange day.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26 ⏰

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