The Sleeping Dog Cartel

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Zuko check his pocket watch for the fifth time that night, still waiting for the time to strike. He was excited, and maybe a little anxious. It's been a while since he does this sort of thing. His job as the Firelord often prevent him from getting his own hands dirty and most of the time he just order his men to deal with whatever threat was looming over the Fire Nation.

He scan over the empty road that the three of them had chose to hidefrom any prying eyes until midnight come.

They had manage to found a delivery truck that was abandon near the harbor and decide to use it to cover their approach to the cartel hideout. The truck itself was quite beaten up, but Zuko had learn a thing or two from the mechanics back at the Fire Nation of how to fix a broken engine. With a few difficulties, he manage to fix for it be atleast able to drive again.

He was sitting in the driver seat, since he's the best driver out of the three of them, while Toph and Katara waited inside the box in the back. The truck itself had a door that connected the cargo box and the driver's cabin so the truck driver could use it to check on the cargo for error. Zuko use this feature to talk with Toph and Katara in the back.

"It's almost time." Zuko said as he put aside his pocket watch.

Katara smile. "Excellent, in a few  minutes, those low lifes will learn the true meaning of fear."

"You seem awfully excited about this, Sugarqueen."  Toph said with a smirk.

"How can i not. It has been decades since i get to kick ass!"

"Uh... you and Toph already laid waste to my guards." Zuko reminded.

Katara scoff while waving her hand in dismissal. "Those guys didn't count, the cartel are the real deal here. They deserve to get beat up. And that means..." A predatory grin form on Katara's face. "I won't have to hold back."

Toph let out an evil laugh. "Now that's the spirit! Those bastards wouldn't stand a chance against us!"

Zuko look at his friends in concern. "Is it wise to just waltz our way through the front door instead of a more subtle method? It kinda beat the point of our disguise don't you think?"

The three of them had ditch their respective nation's clothing for an all black outfit that cover their body from head to toe, complete with a mask to hide their faces. Zuko even let go of his traditional topknot and let Katara braid his hair in an attempt to hide his identity.

Toph wave her hand dismissivle. "Nah, it'll be fine, nobody's gonna arrest a bunch of people in their nineties, and we're too old to cause any scandals anyway, they'll look past it. And besides, we're doing them a favor here."

Zuko sigh. "I guess you're right." He look at his pocket watch again to find that it had struck midnight.

"Get ready guys, it's time."

While Toph and Katara sit tight on the back, Zuko start the engine and began driving towards the cartel's hideout.

Despite his earlier misgivings, Zuko was itching for a fight.


Mao stifle a yawn as the clock approaches midnight. It has been seven hours into his shift and he's more then ready to go home for a much needed rest. For what felt like a milionth time tonight, Mao scanned the road that lead to the main warehouse of the Sleeping Dogs cartel. Located in an abandoned Equalist subterranean complex beneath Republic City with its winding and complicated tunnel system, it was an excellent spot for the cartel to stash their drugs.

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