The Old Gaang

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Inspire by How It's Done by ryfkah on AO3 and the fanart above that i found on Pinterest(Originally from Tumbler if i'm not mistaken)

Katara decide to close her clinic a little earlier than usual, but there are no more patients coming in for today, so even though the sun hasn't set yet, Katara flip the close sign on the front door and have the rest of the evening for herself.

Even though she's pushing to almost ninety years old, Katara still finds herself busy with the same job she had done for the last seventy years, being a healer.

After the one hundred year war, Katara had work in Republic City's first ever hospital as its leading healer and by far the best one. Then, after Aang passed away some twenty two years prior, Katara had moved back to the land of her birth and open her own clinic where she put her healing abilities to good use.

Thanks to her reputation as a master waterbender and the wife of late Avatar Aang cause Katara's clinic to grew in popularity even beyond the Southern Water Tribe's border, with her patients ranging from a simple water tribe hunter with broken bones to a nobleman from Ba Sing Se with a so called 'uncureable disease'.

With this popularity, Katara found herself to be working around the clock at the age where most people already retired. She wasn't alone of course as she had taken a few apprentices who help her around the clinic, and of course, there's her daughter, Kya who had follow her footstep to become a healer. katara couldn't be more prouder at her only daughter. Infact, she already told her that she hope that she will run the clinic once she passed. And Kya, to Katara's delight, accept the responsibility.

As Katara finally finished with closing down her clinic, sat herself down on a cozy sofa and tuned in her radio. It was her favorite activity after a long day at work, just do nothing and very relaxing. And today was her lucky day, her favorite radio show was playing, and she can listen to its full runtime without getting cut off with treating patients in between

Yet, as Katara began to feel her body relax, she heard footstep coming over from the kitchen. Katara stood up in alarmed as she was certain that she was alone. She immidietly grab a waterskin and bend its content to form a water whip as she assumed fighting stance to defend herself against the intruder.

It wasn't the first time she had her home broken into since Aang's death. And she never had any problem dealing with those intruders back then. But it had been almost ten years since the last home invasion and Katara wasn't as agile as she used too. 

Still, if this person, whoever they are, think she would let them broke into her house with no resistance, they would be sorely mistaken.

"If you leave now, then nobody has to get hurt!" Katara yell out to the intruder in the kitchen. Yet, they remain silent. Cautiosly, Katara move shuffled her way towards the kitchen, water whip at the ready.

Then, she reach the kitchen a get a look at the intruder. They are wearing a dark clothes that cover all of their body, including their face, making it impossible to determine any facial feature.

"Last warning. Leave now or face my wrath!"

When the intruder remain unfaze, Katara shot her water whip forward at the intruder. But to her surprise, the intruder dodge her attack with ease. She attack again, but the intuder dodge it again. Deciding on a different tactic, she bend the soup from a cooking pot behind the intruder and freeze it, and slammed it against the intruder's back. But to her shock, the intruder shrugged off the ice brick as if it were nothing.

Taking advantage of her shock, the intruder assume their bending stance, yet instead of moving their arm to attack, they merely twitch their finger and with little effort, the ceramic plates in the kitchen fly across the room towards her. It happen so quick, Katara can't even properly express her shock, she summon all the water she can muster and let it flow around her body, deflecting the incoming projectiles.

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