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Creativity is the ability to bring into existence something new, whether a new solution to a problem, a new method or device, or a new work of art (Brittanica Dictionary).  I believe creativity is a spiritual gift because God, who created the universe and all living creatures, is the ultimate Creator. We often think of creativity as referring to works of art or music. But there are countless other forms of creativity too! 

I like to learn from a variety of resources, and then combine favorite ideas from these resources, along with a few ideas of my own, when making lesson plans for various groups. I also do this when cooking and baking or teaching yoga or piano lessons. I continually make minor changes, being willing to try new things and adapting to the specific needs of the people I am working with. Creativity is an ongoing process. We should never stop growing. If we stop growing we will also stop creating. 

It is equally important to hang on to those core values, truths, and timeless techniques that provide our foundation, however. In order to grow, we also need to maintain healthy roots.  So nourish yourself first and the buds of creativity will follow.

*Everyone can be creative in their own unique ways. In what ways are you creative?

*What inspires your creativity?

*Share an example of a way your creativity blessed someone else. 

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