Project PHILL

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It was a normal day for him. Wake up, drink some Mountain Dew, pee in an over flowing bucket next to his couch he just woke up on, and get on his Xbox 360. He stood up to turn on his Xbox when his chest started hurting. Next his face starts aching and he becomes dizzy. He loses his balance and falls to the floor; leaning over to his bucket of over flowing piss and throws up.

He awakens.  Not on some awful couch.  Not next to some plastic piss pot. But in a pitch black room.  He looks at his own hands but can't see them.  He is hit with an expanding array of blinding light.  A figure of a man with a robe, long beard and hair, and an almost heavenly look as he walks towards him and greets the man in the black room.
"Welcome back Phill," the robed man says as he slowly approches.
Phill expresses concern. "What's happening?" The robed man grabs his hand and leads him into the light.
The man without looking at him says calmly, "dawg..."
Phill responds slightly confused, "Are you god?"
The man says back, "Sure man. I wish."
Phill has no idea what's going on. He wanted to cry.
Phill asks, "Are you Jesus?"
"Hell nah, big dawg," The robed man says.
"Name's Rob... Plus religion was proven fake a long time ago, bruh."
As a confused Phill is holding tears, they both walk through the light. He rubs his eyes as they slowly adjust to the bright room. He looks around. Monitors everywhere. They all had small text running down the screens like those hackers in movies he saw. Employees wearing skin tight jump suits. Some with lab coats like Rob. They look strange, almost futuristic. Rob points at one big screen behind them. Right on the wall of the entrance of the cramped black room he was in. The text read, "FAILED" in big red letters with himself, Phill, dead in a bucket of vomit and old piss.
"Man, you suck at this," Rob said.
"Dude, it's your fourth try. This time you had a heart attack."
"What do you mean?" whimpered Phill.
Rob points at the screen.
"That ain't real," he says.
"It's a sim'. You've committed many crimes and now you are a test subject for the experiment."
"Crimes!?" Phill says scared and in tears. He looks around and sees everyone laughing. He looks down and notices his tattoo covered, absolutely jacked arms and huge bulge. Phill remembers who he is.
Rob chuckles, "You gotta go back. So get in the room, phill. Here's the te-"
"I AM NOT PHILL!" Phill yells as he picks up Rob by his genitals and swings him around over his head. One of the employees sets off the emergency alarm. He throws Rob into the air. He flails across the room like a catapulted worm towards two of his distressed colleagues.  Rob lands on one of them and kicks one in the face. Instantly knock all three of them out. Phill stomps his way over to Rob's unconscious body and pins it to the wall. He begins rubbing his hardening bulge slowly and gently up and down on Rob's thigh. Rob's lab coat is taken off and tossed onto the floor by their feet. His body suit torn open. Phill drops his drawers and starts going to town whilst the whole building goes is evacuated. Two minutes pass and the building seems rid of people. The power running to the lights is cut. Phill instantly goes flaccid out of fear and lets go of Rob's body.  Phill gets startled by the sound of something falling on the floor and looks in its direction. He is almost instantly hit with an array of blinding light and a sharp pop followed by high pitched ringing. His vision slowly coming back, but not fast enough. There's three more light flashes.

The lights come on to reveal the mess of a room. Rob's unconscious, naked body beside damaged computers and consoles. Phill is not far from Rob and is laying in a slowly growing pool of blood. They got him 💔💔😭😭!!! Like and subscribe

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