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The drive came to a stop at what looks like a private resort ,the place neatly designed with flowers and the building was not looking bad either ,he was gestured into the building as one of the staffs who is dressed in a suit excorted him to the elevator which lead to the the rooftop restaurant but the weird thing is that it was empty so he guessed his crazy baby must have reserved everything .

He sighted yoongi seated looking handsome as ever in a red silk shirt which was unbuttoned to a point so he could see his white tune chest in display,the sight wasn't a bad one and God yoongi looked yummy .

Seok starred that he forgot to seat ,yoongi wasn't going to say the lustful eyes staring at him was bad so he just allowed him stare .

"Hmm sunshine ,are you going to keep starring or sit " yoongi teased bringing hoseok back from his trance .

"Hi" he blushes .

"You look so handsome when you blush ,what would you care for to drink or eat " yoongi passed the menu to him as he called one of the waiters .

"I want pasta with shrimps and a bottle of red wine . What about you ?" Hoseok asks .

"I will do same with him" yoongi says to the the waiter who bows and went to get their request ..

"You look handsome baby "

"You don't look bad yourself sunshine "

Both smiles ..

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