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Yoongi's focus ...

Yoongi in his office chokes on his coffee seeing hoseoks reply ,his smile grew wide and he could swear he missed the latter but seeing hoseoks text made him realise he wasn't missing him alone it was a mutual feeling ..

The truth is ,yoongi had always kept an eye on hoseok for some years now but he couldn't reveal himself due to some personal issues .

He finally started to contact hoseok because after so many years his parents name were cleared his face must have been forgotten seeing that he has changed his identity over the years and now his business had gained market view ..

He was returning to Korea for business but most importantly to reunite with his lost love ...


What thought did you have going on in your head hope it not anything naughty 😉?

The next reply made his c*ck grew bigger automatically.


What if not just naughty but dirty ..
Too early for this got to work lol
😂 talk to you later ..

Yoongi didn't like the fact that this conversation was ending here but he wasn't going to push it ...


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