▪︎ Chapter 15 ▪︎

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Thea Keller was ready to kill someone.

It was the fourth time that her boot got caught up in God knows what because it was impossible to tell what things were in this mudbath of a village. She hated everything this place stood for and the scowl on her face just depended with every hour.

With a grunt, Thea kicked the mud off her boots, the wet piece of dirt landing at the side of the road with a wet thud. Somehow she had this idea that Spain was a warm and relatively dry country, but it was the exact opposite so far. It was humid, everything was wet, there was practically no sign of the sun and the people here were all weird.

"Remind me to never come to Spain again," Thea seethed as she pushed a big leaf out of her way, the thing snapping back with momentum and spraying water on her face. The woman grimaced at the feeling, the urge to tear the thing out from the ground growing.

She didn't really like the outside that much, mostly because the outside didn't like her.


Leon's voice snapped her out of her tantrum fit. She shook the water off her hand and adjusted her little black leather jacket. It was mostly for fashion purposes because it didn't provide much heat, but she thought that in Spain, she wouldn't need any.

Wrong. The weather was awful and so was her mood. Usually, Thea was cold. No matter how warm it was outside, back in her little Seattle apartment she was always cold. She already dreaded the night here.

"Nothing," Thea called back louder this time, not really having the energy to give a speech about bad weather conditions.

The two of them continued their way on the outskirts of the village, trying to steer clear of houses and farms as much as possible. Neither of them wanted to waste their bullets and trudging through this damn village proved to be hard enough already.

"Where are we going, anyway?" the brunette grumbled, waving off some mosquitos away from her face. God knows how many diseases these little fuckers carried with themselves.

"I have a mission," came the brief answer from the man, being ahead of her by a few feet. As she looked ahead at him, it seemed like he was the only thing bearable here.

"What kind?" she quirked, eager to have a conversation finally.


Thea's eyes narrowed at him, imagining how good it would feel to throw something at his head. This wasn't the time to hide secrets from each other, yet here he was, being a pain in the ass.

"Anything else?" Thea tried again, hoping to gain a little more information.

It would've been great to know why even she had to come here. She was looking for Leon, she needed answers, that's all. She hoped to chat through things besides some breakfast or something, not sink ankle-deep in mud and get chased by a weird cult.

"What part of 'classified' did you not understand?" Leon cast a look above his shoulder, earning an eye-roll from the brunette.

"I'm trying to help, asshole," Thea sneered at him, her anger pushing her legs faster. Her eyes got caught on a cow in the distance, eating grass behind a little fence. It looked almost cute. "I'd like to get out of this shithole sooner than later, but I need you for that. My vehicle is kind of out of the picture now."

Leon stopped in his tracks abruptly, almost causing Thea to stumble into him. Only by a few inches but she managed to twist herself to the side, avoiding headbutting his shoulder. She didn't plan on getting her nose broken any time soon. Tilting her head back a little, she stared up at the blond man, trying to figure out what caused him to finally stop. This man walked like he had a mission (apparently, he actually did) and not even the people of the village were able to slow him down.

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