▪︎ Chapter 5 ▪︎

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Getting the keycard to the parking lot was almost as big of a pain in the ass as seeing Leon's face. But just almost. Seeing his little smirk whenever he killed a zombie faster than Thea, or she just stumbled over something in the dark, it made her want to punch him in the face. Because every time Thea saw him as a human being for once, he always had to remind her why she hated his guts.

And then the fucking tyrant showed up. Like they didn't have enough things going on already.

They were beaten up, thrown around, and a possible concussion on Thea's behalf as they stumbled towards the parking lot, currently trying to escape the tyrant that ran behind them, breathing down their neck.

"We are kinda fucked, golden boy!" Thea yelled over her shoulder, not even glancing back as she feared her feet wouldn't carry her fast enough. There were not many things that scared her, but the thunder-like steps of that fucking mountain of a bitch shook her to her core.

"Don't call me that!" Leon retorted, barely dodging as the tyrant threw a piece of concrete at them. Her heart started beating more rapidly, the risk of a heart attack taking her out bigger than the chances of a date at this point.

Thea was the first to burst through a dark door, landing them in the parking lot. She let out a thankful sigh, her feet finally coming to a halt. She thought she would never see the ugly grey walls of this place anymore. Even the heavy breaths of Leon behind her didn't annoy her that much right now, she was just glad they survived this.

"Thank fuck-"

The tyrant blowing through the wall cut her words, concrete flying off in every direction. She barely had time to dodge a piece flying towards her head, her legs bringing her away from the mountain of a beast out of reflex. And even though Thea was quick, the tyrant was much faster, landing a blow on her left side and sending her off flying several feet. It felt like she flew around the world and back, an abandoned police car finally breaking her fall.

The air got knocked out of her lungs, and her head fell against the concrete floor, seeing stars behind her eyes. She would've laid there for a few more minutes to catch her breath, but the thundering steps approaching her snapped her eyes open, her arm reaching for the pistol holstered on her thigh.

Squinting her eyes, Thea ignored the burning pain that made it hard to breathe as she pointed her gun at the tyrant. Her hand shook as all of her strength got knocked out of her, and its confident strides caused fear to rise in her chest. Maybe this is it. Maybe this is the way she'll die.

Thea cocked the safety off and gritted her teeth, fighting through the pain. Even if she'll die at the hands of this bitch, she will go down fighting.

That was until its head dipped forward like it was slammed in the head. The ringing in her ears started to clear up as she furrowed her eyebrows, watching as the tyrant slowly turned its head around, looking behind.

That's when she spotted Leon Kennedy, pointing his gun straight at the tyrant's head, his jaw clenched.

"Fucking dammit, Kennedy," Thea breathed out, her hand falling on the ground, her pistol suddenly weighing tons. "Get the fuck out!"

"I'm not leaving you!" Leon yelled back, firing another shot, straight in its head again. The tyrant turned its attention away from her, heading straight for Leon this time. Stubborn bitch is going to get himself killed.

Thea tried to push herself off with her hands, only for them to give under her weight, landing back on the floor. With a desperate cry, she tried to find a grip on the car next to her, her hand gliding over the dented surface her body made. She couldn't even stand up, she was light-headed and there was not much chance she could hit her target by how hazy her eyes were and how badly her arms shook.

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