Chapter three

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Amanda was glad she had this man at her side while they entered the ballroom.

The days they spent together in his potions lab, in lieu of tea, left her more comfortable around him. She came to appreciate his calm presence.

As they made their way to a table, she felt the stares many of her classmates sent her.

All the attention she got made her tense.

"Chin up" he whispered in her ear

"they only admire how truly stunning you are.

Nothing will happen to you, I am with you."

>Was she really this obvious? Oh, who was she kidding, of course she was. Professor Snape was a very perceptive man. How much did he suspect? Nothing you should think about now, Amanda. < she reprimanded herself >Take his advice and enjoy the festivities. Wait. Did he just admitted he liked her appearance?<

The thought sent a blush down her cheeks.

She breathed deeply and followed him more at ease to a table which was already occupied by Headmaster Dumbledore and the Professors McGonagall and Sinistra.

They greeted each other and Severus held a chair out for her.

He really had impeccable manners, -if he wanted to.

The young woman enjoyed the time sitting with him and conversing with the others. As the actual dance began though, she grew keyed up.

She sensed the views she got, especially from the boys.

And really, one of her classmates made a beeline for her -a charming smile in his face .

Amanda tensed up.

Possessively Professor Snape placed a calming hand on hers and glowered at the young man.

It worked. The male students smile faltered with his steps, before he made an 180 degree turn and took flight.

Amanda was thankful and gifted Severus with one of her tentative, but rare smiles.

A while later a waltz was announced and Severus stood and bowed to her.

"May I have this dance, Miss Blythe?"

With a pounding heart she hesitantly took his offered hand as he led her to the dance-floor.

The potions-master was a smooth dancer and led her through the floor expertly.

"I hope, I wasn't too bold, Miss Blythe?"

She shook her head. "No." She smiled shyly "actually, I rather enjoy dancing with you."

>And she was. She could relax in his arms. He would never let anything happen to her. He made her feel safe.<

The corner of his mouth twitched "I'm glad you feel this way, Miss Blythe."

"It's Amanda for you" she reprimanded him amiable.

He inclined his head "Amanda. I like to see you smile. You should do it more often."

"I used to. Before..." she halted "it doesn't matter anymore."

"But perhaps it does" he gazed intensely at her.

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