Chapter one

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A/N: I am not a native Speaker and I have no Beta. So all mistakes are mine.

This is my very first attempt to write in english, so please, be a bit lenient with me. ;-)

If you have an idea for a good title of the story, tell me.

The Charakters are the property of J.K. Rowling, I just like to play in her sandbox.

No Money is made.

Now, have fun. ;-)

Chapter one

„Severus, my boy, we should move her to your quarters."

„That is totally out of the question. It's inapprobiate, Albus."

„You two will be married soon. Up until then she will move into your guest- room.

I know you, my boy, otherwise you will avoid her of all costs.

With her living next to you, you will have to meet with her.

Use this as chance to get to know the woman."

„But headmaster,..."

„That's final, Severus...believe me, I have your best interests at heart."

A knocking sound interrupted the men.

„Oh, there she is. Behave, Severus", admonished the white bearded wizard.

„Come in!"

A young woman stepped tentatively in the ornate office of the headmaster.

She was  lean and from average height, with soft looking, wavy chestnut-brown hair,

that came just down to her shoulderblades.

Her strikingly dark- blue eyes were guarded,

her whole body tense.

Her school uniform, a pale blue blouse and a black pleated skirt were topped by

a woolen cardigan, tightly buttoned, embroidered with the housecrest, a raven.

She was a young woman in her last year at school, but seemed to be a bit older

than her peers.

„Ah, Miss Blythe, come in, come in."

Soft-spoken she greeted the old man.

„Good day, headmaster, you wanted to speak with me?"

„Yes, my dear, why don't you sit down, won't you?

Now, do you know, why I ordered you here on this fine afternoon?"

Amanda shook her head.

„No, Sir.", she answered apprehensively.

„Well, you have of course heard of the last intentions of the ministry,

to invoke a law to guarantee new marriages and hence resulting child births?"

The delicate features in the young womans face paled.

„Yes. But, Sir, surely that can't be happening?"

„I'm afraid, my dear. As of yesterday evening the marriage law is invoked.

And given your age, you were already matched."

„But Sir, I am still at school, surely I am allowed to finish my education first?"

„I can assure you, I already inquired on your behalf, it is with great regret that

I have to tell you, the ministry was adamant in this special case.

They were surprised, that you

are still at Hogwarts, but as it is, so is your intended.

So they saw no need to accommodate you any further. I am sorry, my dear."

The poor witch sunk down to look like a picture of misery.

„I had hoped, despite my age, because of my situation, that I would have had

more time. And perhaps the demand would dissolve itself.

Wait,... who is it, headmaster, it couldn't be another student, could it?"

„Well, you see Miss Blythe, you can stay at Hogwarts and finish your education,

because you are to marry one of my teachers."

Amanda looked positively terrified. „Who?", she croaked.

„Me", said another voice out of the shadows.

Scared out of her skin she wheeled around and stammered

„P-p-professor Snape?!"

Dumbledore cleared his throat,

„As we speak, all your belongings are transfered to your new quarters,

Miss Blythe. I think it prudent, that you two spent time with each other

and get to know one another. Severus has a lovely en-suite guest- room in his chambers,

in which you will be living up until your marriage.

You both know, you will only have a month to fulfill the requirements?"

Both nodded in the affirmative.

Amanda was pale as a ghost, her eyes were stinging, but she refused to cry.

„Well than, Severus will take you to your new rooms. Try to settle down.

I recommend a fine dinner in your quarters. Have a nice evening.",

the headmaster bade goodbye.

Professor Snape sighed.

„Well then. Follow me.", he ordered and stalked away with long strikes.

The young woman followed him with despair in every step she took.

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