Chapter 21 {Capability of emotion}

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[Everything has its power. Emotion as well. It can either harm or can protect.
And its capability probably can never be known and how dangerous it can be! It might control our head to toe from down to eve. Even in our dreams.
To prevent it from manipulating us we've to take control over it.
But assuming we can control our own emotions is just simply making a mere mistake~]


Hazz is eating a bagel and roaming around all over the palace since it was his first time here.

Some royal workers from beside whispering to each other.)
Person1: Hey isn't that Mr. Unok?
Person2: No doubt?
Person1: What's he still doing here? Did he not leave yet?
Person2: How do I know?

(Hazz confused squirming, looking here and there)

Person3: Look, look, it's Mr. Unok!
Person4: Oh dear! Why does he keep coming here?
Person3: I heard her highness was the one who called him!
Person5: For real!? I-


(Hazz rashly shoves inside the bagel and swallows it, gulps and it gets stuck. He starts tapping his chest and screams for water. He is making so much chaos.
Everyone averted and dodged him. He continues to search everywhere~)

Hazz: Wa. Ter.. (facing down, in a low voice) Someone ....Wa.. Ta-
(Ozaya approaches quietly)
Hazz: (looks up with crunching eyes. In a rough-raspy voice) Someone-
Ozaya: By any chance are you-

Hazz: (tries to clear his loaded throat, in a low voice) Sorry but I'm not
Mr. Unok- Ozaya: Hazz right-?

Hazz: (in a tight voice) Yeah...?~
Ozaya: (fixes her glasses) Come with me~

(Rina was visiting Venus for some queries. After her business ended she took her leave.
Veronica comes afterwards.)
Venus: We need to search looking for a new head healer ~
If Mr. Unok gets busy then Mrs. Rina can't be here regularly- (looks at Veronica)
What's wrong? I'm not recommending someone as a head healer like the last time! You'll be officially hiring them~
Veronica: That's not the issue actually-
I'm just wondering why your highness is trying so hard for and giving effort to grow someone who's not qualified and giving up someone expert and experienced!?

Venus: Well~ there's a lot of reasons behind mainly because we need Rushers more than healers right now. If we increase the number of rushers through Mr. Unok then people can protect themselves. It's more like self defence. If harmness by Viarush decreases then they don't need any healing and also can avoid death risk as well.
More importantly we don't seem to have a Royal Head Half Rusher so if we can utilise
Mr. Unok strength then it won't hurt-
Veronica: (panics) We do though-.......
We do have a Head Half Rusher!

(Hazz takes a deep breath after consuming 3rd glasses of water)

Ozaya: Is it good enough..?
Hazz: Yeah ~ You're a saviour-
But how did you know my name? (Gasp)
By any chance are you a mind rea-
Ozaya: Oh sorry for the late introduction! (Reach out for a handshake) From now on I'll be working along with you on an ongoing project. Royal researcher Ozaya.
Looking forward to working with you!
Hazz: Likewise. (Reaches out to shake the hand)
Irene: Eehhh~
(Irene walks in. Ozaya takes back her hand without handshaking. Hazz's hand still was displayed for a handshake. Ozey also walks inside. Hazz looks at Ozey, looks back at Ozaya.)
Irene: What are you doing? Don't tell me now I've to see your face here everyday?
Hazz: ( grips a fist and slams on the table)
I WANT TO ASK THE SAME! What are you doing here?
Irene: I come here everyday! Even before you came!
Ozey: But can you just not!?
Hazz: (slams again) DENG! So I've to see you here everyday as well!?
Irene: That's what I was saying you fool!
Ozaya: Actually you both don't have to come here come Everyday..?
Irene & Hazz: I WILL!!!
(Both look awkward to each other.)
Irene: I mean I've training! I am busy!
(Hazz & Irene awkward stares. Ozey & Ozaya both sighs~)

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