Chapter 3: Metropolis Takeover

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Sorry for taking so long to write updates for this. The reason why it has taken me so long just to write is because I'm often brainstorming how I can make Batman fight the League with Rose The Flower helping him, WITHOUT being disrespectful to any of the characters.

Because if I just make Batman steamroll the League like he does to his enemies in the Arkham series without explaining how or why he does that, then I'd be no better than Rocksteady. Especially since this Batman only had a small amount of time with the League, so it's more unlikely for him to suddenly have the McGuffin to every single member.

So that's it's taken me ages to update, since I'm trying not to upset people by making all of the characters good.

3rd Person P.O.V.

Three weeks after Batman joined the League, things have been quite difficult for him. He's mostly having trouble adjusting to being around new people. He's not really a people person, especially when he's wearing the Bat suit.

But aside from that, he's been learning any bit of information he could get from them without sounding like he's interrogating them. He knows their origins, powers, weaknesses, etc. He's already set up a few protocols that he would initiate if they were to go rogue right this moment.

Something worth noting is that none of his plans will kill them, just neutralize them. Even though they're superpowered beings, killing them will still affect his moral code - and he already has to carry the weight of stopping Rā's Al Ghūl's resurrection for the sake of averting war in Gotham five years ago.

Back to the matter at hand, he's gathered a lot of information about the members of the League and is preparing to implement them when the time is right. Rosemary has been off doing something on her own, she claims to be saving lives and he believes that.

Today, something changed in Metropolis. In the evening hours, an enormous spacecraft entered Earth's atmosphere; it's shaped like a skull. The whole city began to panic, as this wasn't some ordinary alien invasion that Superman regularly stops.

An alien on board of the ship, named Brainiac, wants to have 'peaceful negotiations' with the Justice League.

Right now, the League is hosting a meeting at their headquarters, with Alfred obediently standing in the background, ready to serve Master Bruce if needed to.

"Anyone else getting the heebie jeebies with that thing hovering over the city?" The Flash asked, pointing at a screen showcasing the skull-ship.

"We're all on edge, that thing spells disaster to us all." Wonder Woman replied, not finding the humor in Barry's lighthearted question. '

"Should we listen?" Green Lantern inquired, taking a glance at the dangerous-looking spacecraft. "I mean, I surely don't trust this guy because of his ship, but I'd like to avoid a fight if I can."

"Maybe we should." Superman said while folding his arms, staring at Brainiac's ship on the screen intensely. "If he's offering a peaceful negotiation, then we should - at the very least - listen to what he has to say."

"Not on his ship." Batman stated, finally speaking. "It could be a trap."

"Agreed." Diana nodded, looking at Batman briefly before at the Man of Steel. "We should try requesting him to meet us on our terms, not his."

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