Chapter 4: Stage Set for the Prophesied Calamity

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"Hm?" I wondered as Navia led Ms. Clorinde away from the rest of us, leaving me with questions, "What is she up to?"

Seeing my confused expression, Mr. Melus responded to my unspoken query, "Demoiselle and Ms. Clorinde are good friends."

"I could tell." Navia, who appear composed earlier, is conversing with her upbeat, while Ms. Clorinde seems less reserved than usual, thereby underscoring the depth of their relationship.

"Believe it, they once had a strained relationship. Fortunately, they reconcile just recently." Mr. Melus continued, "I'm glad Demoiselle has finally open up herself."

To be honest, I wasn't particularly interested in their history as it has nothing to do with me, but I didn't want to appear rude. Besides, it won't hurt to have some knowledge about their relationship so I listened attentively to Mr. Melus, trying to sink his words deep to my head. As he proceed, Navia's other attendant, Silver, nods silently in agreement. He doesn't seem to be a talkative guy, we are pretty much the same in a sense.

"I appreciate you sharing that with me, Mr. Melus, but my curiosity lies in their subject. I wonder what they were talking about."

"It's likely just a casual talk between ladies, covering various topics, but if I were to guess, I would say they might be talking about you."

This statement caught me off guard, but I remained composed and cautious. I couldn't think any reason why would I be their subject. Was it because I look weird? Intrigued by his comment, I inquired, "What leads you to that conclusion?"

However, rather than answering directly, he posed a follow up question, "What are your feelings towards Ms. Clorinde? Particularly, do you view her romantically?"

It seems like I got the gist of what they were talking about. Honestly, I don't see her that way. While she seems like the kind of woman I might be interested in, we haven't developed the closeness necessary to foster such emotions. We're simply colleagues with a shared objective, nothing more beyond that.


As we stroll around Poisson, my curiosity got the better of me. Unable to contain my intrigue, I inquired, "What were you discussing with Ms. Navia?"

To which she responded in a rather subdued manner, "It's nothing worth mentioning. Just a casual exchange between friends." She doesn't seem to be lying, but her reluctance to discuss it was evident so I decided not to press further.

As planned, we traversed the streets of Poisson, aiming to gather valuable information. Ms. Clorinde exhibited familiarity with the area, whereas for me, it was unfamiliar place. Sensing my unease, she paused mid-step, leaned in slightly, and whispered softly, giving me words of assurance.

"Keep your distance close with me." I quickly turn my gaze away from her as I felt my chest tighten, emotions stirring within me. I soothed my tempestuous heart, gently guiding it back to the tranquil shore of serenity. Sensing my sudden shift in demeanor, Ms. Clorinde asked, "Is everything alright?"

"Yes, everything's fine." I replied, still not having the courage to face her. I could feel her warm breath tickles my neck and her alluring fragrance. I tried my best to maintain a poker, but my efforts doesn't seem doing anything at all. Noticing my discomfort, she asked, "Then why won't you look at me?"

"...." I was at lost whether to say a word or just leave her ignored, but then I decided to do the former even though I'm hesitant to do so, "Your presence feels too proximate."


Does she have no sense of distance, perhaps? I'll keep that in mind.


Even If You Don't Know (Clorinde x OC)Where stories live. Discover now