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Note: Setting starts after the serial disappearance case.

As I weave through the bustling crowds and lively streets, the laughter enveloped me, each step aligning with the pulse of the city. I could feel the sun dipped warm to my skin and the aroma of freshly baked pastries wafted through the air, enticing everyone in the vicinity with its irresistible smell.

This is Fontaine, a place of joyful smiles and entertainment. All seems well and ordinary; a smile adorns my lips. Indeed, ignorance is a bliss. I could not help myself but to feel envy. Do the residents here remain oblivious to the impending calamity foretold by the prophecy, or are they being kept in the dark all this time?

According to the the prophecy, the people in Fontaine will all be dissolved into the waters and only the Hydro Archon will remain, weeping on her throne. Only then will the sins of the people be washed away.

I gaze upon the blue skies, embrace the weeping wind, and watch the Archon's tears drown this sorrowful place. She gave up and thrown herself at the sea, letting her body flow along the current with no particular destination, just like a log that has been swept away by a gushing river. I smiled seeing acceptance in her eyes.

How meaningless it is to challenge fate. No matter how much you struggle, it will be all futile. People tend to waste their time and energy on things that were out of their control. Some things in life are simply meant to be, and no matter how hard we try, we cannot alter the course of events that have already been set in motion.

In the grand scheme of fate, our every move is predetermined, each breath orchestrated by the invisible hand of destiny, and no amount of resistance can alter the course of our predestined lives. The will of man was but a fleeting whisper in the wind. It's nothing more than a meaningless endeavor, a futile attempt to defy the inevitable.

The prophecy loomed, an unspoken tension in the air. Rather than stating the futility of challenging fate, the unraveling events showcased it. A street performer twirled a coin, attempting to defy gravity for a moment. The coin fluttered, resisting its inevitable descent, only to succumb to gravity's unwavering pull. It was a microcosm of Fontaine, where every defiance against fate met a similar, inevitable conclusion.

Standing in solitude amidst the crowd, a familiar voice interrupted my thoughts, snapping me out of my reverie. There's an inquisitive skepticism in her gaze as if she can sense something beyond the surface.

"You're late." She greeted me with her stoic face, showing neither joy nor anger.

"My apologies, Ms. Clorinde. I stayed up late last night." Hearing my excuse, I could hear her sigh as she kept looking at me with arms crossed, raising a suspicion gaze.

" Hearing my excuse, I could hear her sigh as she kept looking at me with arms crossed, raising a suspicion gaze

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Note: I'm too lazy to draw so I just made a quick sketch.

"Whatever. Since you're already here, we should get going and continue our investigation."

She's not buying it, is she?

Anyways, the reason why we met up was solely to address essential business matters, nothing more. However, I would be pleased if we could spend our time together outside work as well. It is really unfortunate that we cannot do so.

As she prepared to depart, I gently grasped the fabric of her pencil skirt and kept pace with her elegant stride. Clorindes' gaze narrowed as she took notice, prompting her to halt and pivot toward me with a stern expression etched across her features.

"Mr. Nicht, I'm well aware that you're not good at crowds. However, please keep in mind that it's inappropriate to hold onto a lady's skirt," she remarked, her voice carrying a soft yet authoritative undertone. "Here, take my hand. I'll lead the way."

I hesitated briefly, unsure whether to take it or not, but with no compelling reason to decline, I decided to take her offer. Afterall, it certainly seemed a far more better option than clinging to her skirt as we walk.

A fleeting moment captured my eyes, a subtle change in her face when she thought I wasn't looking. In that brief instance, the stoic mask slipped, unveiling lips curving into a subtle smile. It shown a glimpse of her side that was concealed by a facade, silently acknowledging that beneath her composed exterior, emotions quietly simmered.

 It shown a glimpse of her side that was concealed by a facade, silently acknowledging that beneath her composed exterior, emotions quietly simmered

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Holding her hand, I held my chest tight, taking a deep breath to ease my raging heart as her delicate fingers intertwined mine. At that time, everything seems to be slow. I immersed myself, embracing this blissful moment, all while I silently admire her from a far.

Indeed, how meaningless it is to challenge fate. However, even for just a bit, her smile made me hope to alter this curse that binds us. I'll even dare to stand against the Heavenly Principles itself if that's what it takes. I want to live at the present moment and find answers within myself.

But that would only happen once I found the missing Archon.


A/N: This took a lot of revisions. I swear, romance isn't really my cup of tea.

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