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Rajveer heard the main door open and then Abhimanyu's footsteps walking in. He sighed, pushing the box back amidst the stacks of clothes. The loop pf disappointments just didn't seem satisfied from sucking at his mental peace yet.

He could hear Abhimanyu pattering around outside, humming a tune but he couldn't be bothered to go out to face him just now, not after the biting argument between then after the football match.

The tension between them had been building for weeks, simmering beneath the surface until it finally erupted in a fiery clash after the match. Rajveer couldn't shake off the bitter taste of resentment that lingered in his mouth, the harsh words they had exchanged still echoing in his mind. Instead, he leaned against the window of his bedroom opening to the clear green grounds of the academy, the fresh night air soothing his throbbing head.

He had just shut his eyes intending to savour the nature when a slight commotion caught his attention, making him to reflexively scan the area systematically scan the area as best as he could with his naked eyes.

Who could be on the grounds so late in the night?

Rajveer's gaze lingered on the scene unfolding outside the window, his heart sinking as he watched Huda's persistent attempts to get close to Naina. He felt a surge of annoyance rising within him, an unfamiliar emotion that caught him off guard. Usually, he refrained from interfering in the personal matters of cadets, but seeing Huda's advances towards Naina stirred something protective within him.

Naina, oblivious to Huda's intentions, seemed visibly annoyed by his persistent presence. Her body language spoke volumes, her attempts to maintain a polite distance from Huda evident in the way she subtly stepped back with each of his advances.

Rajveer's jaw clenched as he watched the scene unfold, a knot of frustration tightening in his chest. He couldn't shake off the feeling of possessiveness that washed over him at the sight of another man trying to encroach upon what he considered his territory—Naina.

Despite his best efforts to quell the rising tide of jealousy within him, Rajveer couldn't deny the pang of resentment that stabbed at his heart. He had never admitted his feelings for Naina aloud, keeping them hidden deep within the recesses of his soul. But seeing her in the company of another man ignited a fierce protectiveness within him that he couldn't ignore.

Without a second thought, he moved away from the window and stepped out onto the balcony, his eyes fixed on Naina and Huda below.

"Naina!" Rajveer called out, his voice cutting through the air like a sharp blade. Naina's head snapped up at the sound of his voice, her eyes widening in surprise as she caught sight of him on the balcony.

"Captain Rajveer," Naina said, her voice tinged with confusion. "Is everything okay?"

Rajveer ignored the question, his gaze fixed squarely on Huda as he stared down at him with an air of confidence that bordered on arrogance. "I believe I asked you to learn to respect sentiments and choices of others Cadet Huda," Rajveer said, his tone laced with thinly veiled warning.

Huda's expression faltered for a moment, surprise flickering in his eyes before he attempted to mask it with a nonchalant shrug. "I was just having a friendly chat with Naina, sir. No harm in that, is there?"

Rajveer's jaw tightened at Huda's flippant response, his patience wearing thin. "I suggest you find someone else to chat with, Huda," he said, his voice cold and commanding. "Cadet Ahluwalia is not interested."

Naina's cheeks flushed with embarrassment at the confrontation, her eyes darting nervously between Rajveer and Huda. She opened her mouth to speak, but Rajveer cut her off with a curt nod.

"That will be all, Cadet Ahluwalia," Rajveer said, his tone dismissive. "Return to your hostels, it's almost time for lights out."

Without waiting for aresponse, Rajveer turned on his heel and retreated back into his bedroom. As soon as he had the balcony doors shut behind him, Rajveer plopped down on the bed, raking his hand through his hair in frustration.

No one can be more stupid than you Captain Rajveer Singh Shekhawat.

So much so for keeping his feelings for Naina guarded, he had just interfered in a very personal problem of the two cadets, and had inevitably revealed more than what fit his intentions and academy's code of honour.

Hey guys
Hope you liked this chapter. Would love to know your thoughts🙏🏻

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