3 - 🍋 The Mysterious Reporter 🍋

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          Kakashi sat there shocked. He wanted to pursue her, but he couldn't leave the tea house like this. Not only was he a mess, but he didn't want to leave a mess for the old lady even if she did help this situation happen.

          I'll definitely have some questions for the owner of this place. Who the fuck was that? He wondered why a stranger would want a photo of his face. Unless she isn't a stranger. But, who? He remembered Naruto, Sakura, and Sasuke were trying to see his face earlier that day. Maybe she's connected to that.

          Kakashi surveyed the disaster before him. For one his pants were soaked as were both of his fingerless gloves. Both of their cups were knocked over, but at least they were empty.

          Kakashi righted the cups and lifted the teapot. Still some left. He poured the last of the sake into a cup before downing it. He stood up in the seat, still partially crouched he avoided bumping the curtain as if it was a small pox blanket. Now is not the time to draw attention. The two pink seating cushions next to the table were soaked.

          With a sigh, he used the somewhat less damp cushion to soak up the remaining sexual fluids. When he was done, he peeped out of the curtain as covertly as he could manage.

          Okay, the coast is clear. Kakashi swiftly removed his pants, boxers, and gloves. He placed his clothes on top of the cushions and gathered the stack between his hands. Kakashi focused on using water release to convert the moisture into steam. Once the fabrics were effectively dry, he hurriedly redressed.

          Grabbing the cushions and tea set, he went in search of the mischievous old lady. The tea house was deserted and the front door was locked from the inside. He walked up to the counter and rang a small service bell.

          After a few moments, the office door swang open and the woman appeared. "Oh hello, where is Shion? Did you guys have a nice birthday get together?"

          "Birthday? Was it her birthday?" Kakashi was even more perplexed by her motives now.

          "She told me it was your birthday." Now they both were confused.

          Uncovering the start of the lies turned Kakashi more serious. "It isn't. I only met her today, so the birthday was a lie. Do you know why she would lie about that? How long has she worked here?"

          The woman was stunned. "She doesn't work here. I only met her this morning. She asked if we rented space for gatherings and took reservations, which we do. But, she wanted to pull off a special surprise for her friend's birthday. I assumed that was you." The old woman shrugged after gesturing towards Kakashi.

          I only met her this afternoon. So, she knew who I was before we met. Is she a rogue ninja or with the Akatsuki?

          He then asked, "Did you know she was a ninja or did she pretend to be a civilian when she asked you for that favor?"

          "Well, she didn't say. I assumed she was a civilian pining for a busy, attractive ninja. But, she never outright explained. She seemed lovely to me, so I wouldn't take it seriously. What evil ninja tactic did she use?" The elder raised her eyebrows knowingly.

          Kakashi didn't know what to say. If she was a serious threat, it would be on him for not acting on it. But, she didn't do anything that would jeopardize the village or imply that she wanted any intel beyond his appearance. "Well, she's just under suspicion at the moment. I don't know her to be a Leaf ninja."

         The old lady squinted her eyes at him, "Right. Just so you know, I can still smell those cushions from this side of the counter. Are you sure this isn't just how you ninja flirt? She seemed very upset that you took so long to show up."

A Leaf Fell in the Desert (Kakashi X OC)Where stories live. Discover now