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Midnight Shenanigans. 

Monday, September 4th

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Monday, September 4th.

As the morning sun filtered through the curtains, its gentle rays caressed Lilac's face,

illuminating the delicate sprinkle of freckles that adorned her cheeks. Her laptop lay open beside her, its screen resembling a polished mirror that reflected her tousled hair, a testament to the restless slumber she had just awakened from.

Gently shutting the laptop, she slowly rose from her bed, causing her white blanket to slip off her chest and pool around her waist. The sudden movement exposed her skin to the cool air seeping in through the cracked open window, sending shivers down her spine and raising goosebumps on her arms.

As Lilac's eyes quickly scanned the room, a small wave of panic began to rise within her. Rosina, her vivacious roommate, was nowhere to be seen. The neatly made bed and the absence of books on Rosina's nightstand only added to Lilac's growing unease.

Internally cursing herself for not setting her alarm earlier, Lilac scrambled out of bed and reached for her phone, hoping for a glimmer of reassurance. Her heart skipped a beat as she checked the time—twenty minutes until the start of her first class.

Breathing a sigh of relief, Lilac hurriedly jumped into action, the adrenaline of impending lateness fueling her movements. She sprinted towards the bathroom, her footsteps echoing through the hallway, and urgently splashed her face with cool water before hastily brushing her teeth.

Her luscious locks cascaded in disheveled curls around her face, a testament to the haste with which she prepared herself. Lilac hastily donned her school uniform, the fabric clinging to her body as she moved with a sense of urgency. Snatching her bag and textbooks, she bolted out of the door, her heart pounding in her chest. Her determination to reach her destination on time, evident in every stride she took.

As soon as the bell rang, signaling the start of her first class, Lilac hastened into the room, feeling a sense of relief wash over her. Her disheveled hair fluttered in wild directions, with a quick gesture, she attempted to tame the frizz.

Scanning the room for an empty seat, Lilac's eyes settled on a familiar figure. The tall brunette, a friendly face amidst the sea of students, caught her gaze and waved her hand, motioning towards the vacant seat beside her. Lilac's steps quickened as she made her way towards Valeria, a soft smile forming on her lips.

"Hey, good morning," Valeria greeted warmly as Lilac took her seat. "Rough morning?"

Lilac chuckled softly, nodding in agreement. "You have no idea."

Mrs. Holloway, regal in her demeanor and draped in an elegant ensemble, gracefully cleared her throat, her melodic English accent filling the room as she embarked on the mornings lesson on the works of Shakespeare.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28 ⏰

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