Wanna Come Over?

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Jack smiled as he walked through the crowded halls of his high school, making his way towards his American History class. It was his favorite class of the day, and not just because it was the last class of the day. It was the only class the Irish teen shared with his best friend Mark. Just the thought of the raven haired junior made Jack's face redden slightly, and he picked up his pace as he neared the class. Jack hurried in and found his desk near the back of the class, right next to the window. He sat down, slipping his backpack off his shoulder and onto the floor as he waited for Mark. The class began to fill with chatty students, and Jack couldn't stop the grin that stretched across his face when he saw the dark haired teen make his way over to him.

Mark sat behind Jack quietly, which was rather odd for the normally loud teen. He seemed to be deep in thought, and Jack wracked his brain for an answer to his friends unusual silence. He was brought out of his thoughts when the teacher came in, the whole class becoming quiet as she walked through the door. Ms. Marie was a young teacher, but the class knew better than to cross her. She might've been short and young, but it didn't mean she couldn't be scary! Jack shuddered when he remembered the time Ms. Marie had overheard Nash making fun of Tyler. He didn't think she could scream that loud! Nash had ended up being suspended for the week, and when he came back his parents had made him apologize to the blonde boy. Needless to say, Nash didn't make fun of people anymore. Ms. Marie was like a fucking ninja, she could tell when someone was being rude from a mile away!

Ms. Marie smiled at the class and said, "Good afternoon students! As you know, today we will be reviewing for our test on chapter seven that's next Monday!" She began writing questions on the board, and the class passed quickly as students gave answers to the questions. What was funny was that Mark hadn't raised his hand a single time, and he was a whiz at history! He never even had to study it, it just stuck in his head! It didn't make sense to Jack, Mark had always raised his hand to answer questions, and now he didn't do anything! "Mark, what was the Comstock Lode?", Ms. Marie asked. Mark's heard jerked up, the question pulling himself from his thoughts and he stammered, "Uh, I um, I don't know Ms. Marie." The teacher nodded thoughtfully and called on another student, who answered the question quickly and correctly. Jack turned around to ask his friend what was the matter, but he was already deep in thought, writing something in his journal.

Jack frowned and turned back around in his seat, shelving his question for later. The bell rang a few minutes later, and the students hurried out as they began making plans for the weekend. Jack grabbed his bag and slung it over his shoulder, and turned around to come face to face with Mark. "Jack, I have a favor to ask of you.", Mark began, his voice sending shivers down the Irish man's spine. "Sure Mark, what do you need?", Jack asked, face heating up when he realized how close Mark's face was to his. Mark sighed and licked his lips, and Jack couldn't help but glance down at his plump, soft looking, kissable lips. "Could you um, maybe come over to my house? My parents are away for the weekend, and I need someone to study with.", Mark explained. Jack felt his heart sink slightly, he had thought Mark was about to ask him something entirely different. "Yeah, sure Mark.", he replied softly.

Mark's face lit up when he smiled, and he sighed in relief before leaving the classroom. Jack watched him leave, still disappointed about his question, and he picked up his supplies and headed to his locker. He shoved through the crowd, feeling stupid and embarrassed. Of course Mark wasn't gonna kiss him! Mark was straight, get that through your thick skull! Jack opened his locker roughly, tossing his books in there carelessly as he retrieved his notes. He slammed the door shut, nearly shaking as he made his way outside to the bus. He was caught off guard when a familiar voice yelled, "Jack, wait up dude!" It was Mark, Jack would recognize that deep voice from anywhere. He grit his teeth and plastered a smile onto his face as he turned around just in time to see Mark waving his car keys around. "There you are, thought you might've been on the bus already!", Mark exclaimed as he grabbed Jack's arm and pulled him away from the bus.

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