Chapter 4 - The Encounter

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The warmness of his hand against hers in the cold night filled her body with an unusual feeling.

His hand slightly rubbing against her gave her a shivering feeling, one that she blamed on the cold. But her body filled with desire as she felt the slight touch.

Clara felt like everything was going in slow motion. She fixated on Fred's breathing, watching his chest rise and fall.

She could not help but stare. There was a craving that pooled inside her as she traced her eyes over every single one of his features.

She realized this was the first good look she actually ever gave Fred. Obviously, she had seen him many times before, but this was the first time she had actually taken a moment to take him in.

He looked quite different from George, she thought. His jawline was sharper, his eyes were much more green, and he was slightly taller.

He looked majestic in the moonlight, the shine spreading across his features so perfectly. If she didn't hate him so much, she would actually find him hot. At that thought, she finally snapped out of it.

It felt like they had been holding hands and staring at each other for an eternity by the time she yanked her hand out of his grasp in a swift moment.

"Watch it, Weasley," she snapped, shifting her facial expression to a snarl.

"What's the problem, Clara-bear, thought if you looked for one more second you wouldn't be able to control yourself?" He chuckled, a mischievous smirk casting across his face.

Her cheeks flushed red. Even though she was high, she still knew that it was embarrassing to be caught staring at him.

"Shut up, Fred," she rolled her eyes, scoffing. She added, "How did you even find me anyway? Stalking me now?"

"In your wildest dreams, Clara-bear." he was appalled she would even think he wanted anything to do with her. "Saw you and Filch's names on the marauder's map; I didn't want Gryffindor to lose any points because of whatever stupid shit you were doing."

"Well, I didn't need your saving," she said rudely. "I had the situation under control."

She was trying not to blush and to keep a cool composure as his hair flew around in the cold, windy night. God something about high Clara made him so attractive. But it was weird, it wasn't in the way that she found George attractive; it was different.

Maybe it had something to do with the fact he came and rescued her. She'd never admit with the high made every sense heightened, how hot it was, feeling his large hand rap around her wrist, pulling her away in the night.

Running from the teachers was another  secret he and she now shared. When was she going to learn?

"I'm sure you did." He finished, silence beginning to fill the air. It was starting to grow awkward and the two both started to think about going their separate ways, until Clara began the conversation again.

"And for the record", she began again, "I do not, and will never, find you hot." Crossing her arms and sticking up her nose.

"Oh Clara," he inched closer and closer to her. He bent down so his lips were hovering just next to his ears, he took his fingers and moved back pieces of her hair. His breathing sent a shudder pulsing through her body. "I know you find me hot."

"You don't know a damn thing Weasley," She snapped, "Actually, if I remember correctly, your failing most of your classes. So it seems you actually do know nothing." She said arrogantly.

He groaned at the rude comment. Shifting backwards to be a comfortable distance again. "Your the one who doesn't have a damn clue Clara." He broke, mad.

It seemed she had hit a nerve. She knew Fred did not get the best grades, but she always just thought it was due to lack of him trying. Was that rude of her to assume? Was something else going on behind the scene's she did not know about? In all her years of friendship, George never brought up anything having to do with Fred's school abilities, and he always played it off as if he were just another stereotypical badboy who did not care about school.

"If you had a clue, you wouldn't be fawning after my brother, who clearly wants nothing to do with you. Never have, and never will." When the words fell out of his mouth, a look of instant regret fell across his face.

"Listen, Clara," he sighed, coming down from his anger, "I didn't mean to say that." He tried to reach out and place a hand on her shoulder to offer any type of comfort, but she backed away.

In a heartbroken state, all Clara could do was excuse herself before she broke. "Goodnight, Weasley. Thank you for saving me, but I must be getting back to Hermione before she worries." Tears started to swell in her eyes, they became glossy and redder than before.

She began to walk away as Fred realized the damage he had done. "Wait, Clar-" He tried to gain her attention, but she did not look back. "I'm sorry," he yelled in an attempt to apologize one more time before she disappeared into the light of the castle.

He thought about running off to say sorry, but what good would it do? They hated each other, always have, and nothing would fix that. So why even try?

When Clara returned to the Gryffindor common room, she found a very happy, very high, roommate waiting for her. Hermione was so excited to tell her friend what had just gone on with Draco in his room.

When Clara inched around the couch, a small frown draping over her face, she did her best to hide it as she saw her friend's big smile and face that read, 'I need to tell you about the amazing time I just had.'

So Clara did what any good friend would do, she sat down next to Hermione, took a deep breath, and plastered the biggest and fakest smile she could muster.

"Where have you been, Clara?"!! I've been sitting here for what feels like ages waiting for you to come back from wherever you had run off to. I HAVE SO MUCH TO TELL YOU." Hermione was in a rush to get her words out so she could skip the small talk and get right into her story.

"I got hungry and went to go down to the kitchen, and then it's a long story from there." She laughed, looking off into the crackling fireplace for comfort. "But anyway, I'm here now, so you have to tell me everything that happened!"


After what had felt like forever, Hermione had finished telling her very detailed debrief of the encounter. Ending with asking Clara to tell her about where she had been.

"Gosh, I'm actually starving, I guess being with Draco works up an appetite." She snickered.

"EWWW MIONE" she giggled "you are actually so gross."

"Now, it's your turn." She let out a large breath, signaling to her friend she was now the topic of conversation.

"Its stupid, I really do not want to get into it." She sighed. She was confused truth be told. She did not know how to feel about what happened. She was rude to Fred, so she did think he had a right to be rude back. But, why did he have to be so cruel? Why did he have to bring up how George didn't want her?

He was all she ever wanted, and hearing from his brother that it was never going to happened hurt unbelievably.

"All I know is that tomorrow I need to get piss drunk."

"Well, you're in luck my friend, because the boys invited us to the Slytherin party." Hermione cheered, "And let's just say, Matteo was VERY adamant about you attending" Winking at her friend.

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