Chapter 3 - The Slytherin Dorms

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The following week was hard on Clara. Though she had her best girl friends there to support her, it felt as though a part of her was missing. Through the rest of the week George wouldn't even look at her. When their eyes would accidentally meet during class or in the dining haul at dinner, he would immediately turn the other way.

That weekend, at the Hufflepuff party, he stayed far away from her. The only Weasley boy who cared to speak to her was Fred surprisingly. When he walked up to her, she was worried he was going to ask about their little fling that he did not know he was involved in. She thought there was no way he would go along with that lie. She didnt expect him too.

But he didn't. Instead he made a silly little joke and silently agreed he would keep yet another secret for her. They drank in silence, standing next to each other in the corner until Sienna Plum came up to him demanding through her drunken slurs that they talk.

"Weasley, you cannot ignore me any longer!" She shouted while swaying.

Fred gave Clara a 'Please help me' look but all she could do was laugh and shake her head. She decided it would be best not to intervine even though part of her felt bad for him. For the very first time, she actually felt kind of bad for him.

Fred quickly got swept away by Sienna and Clara looked back into the crowd.

As she saw George on the dance floor happy with his girlfriend, it broke her heart. But, she knew not to try and talk to him.

She knew it was no use and better to give him time. So, she watched from afar and spent the majority of her time with friends, who tried to keep her mind off of it by dancing.


"Clara, Clara" Hermione whispered trying to get her friends attention while sitting next to her at the dinner table in the Great Hall. Clara snapped out of her day dream and turned to face her friend fully.

"Whats up" She responded.

Hermione took a large sigh, looking around the make sure the coast was clear to tell her secret. She cupped her hands and whispered in Clara's ear. "Draco invited me to his dorm tonight to smoke some type of muggle herb with him and his friends." Clara's eyes filled with shock.

Even though the Great Hall was booming with noise and no one was paying attention to their conversation, they were trying their best to keep quiet.

"You and Draco?" Clara asked confused.

"Shhh, yes" She whispered half embarrassed half relieved she was finally able to tell her friend what had been going on. "At the first slytherin party of term, we kind of got drunk and played spin the bottle and things took a big turn." Clara did not know what to say. Of coarse she was confused due to Hermione and Draco being known enemies but she was kind of impressed that her friend which she did not think bold enough would be having a fling with Draco of all the boys in Hogwarts.

"But what would Harry and Ron say? He's practically their enemy!" She whisper yelled.

"Thats why they can't find out." She paused. "Cmon, this is the perfect distraction that you need!" She tried to convince her friend. "Please say you'll come with me. Your the only one I trust to keep the secret if we went. Lavender would just run off and tell Ron." She rolled her eyes talking about their roommate. At that time they looked over to see their friend practically ontop of Ron, a few seats down from where they were sat. They both gave each a look.

Clara thought for a moment, seeing her friends puppy dog eyes begging. "Alright I'm in. But you seriously need to tell me EVERYTHING!" Clara exclaimed. They excused themselves from dinner early and walked back to their dorms planning on what they were gonna say to their roommates in order to sneak out.

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