➜Chapter eleven

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The next day,Eunjoo and Yuseo decided to hang out just the two of them this time. Hopefully,for the last day of this trip,the teacher prepared something nice. No one wanted to leave.

    "Students,are you ready for the last activity of this trip?" asked a                                  teacher
All the students were sad to leave, a specially Yuseo, she didn't want to go home! She was enjoying her life for once.

       "Okay students,the last activity is...A LASER GAME!"
All the students were hyped,even Yuseo who never played that game before.
So what? Let's have fun!

             "Okay students,listen up! We will choose two people to be          
                      captains of a team,they will choose one person at a time."
                                                   explained a teacher.

"Okay first captain is...Heewon! And the second one is....Eunjoo!"

Oh yay! I'll be in Eunjoo's team! Heewon hates me!

"Okay Eunjoo,you can pick someone first!" exclaimed the teacher

"I'll choose...Riki!" claimed Eunjoo

hahaha look at her face! she's so mad hahaha!

"Okay now you,Heewon."

Heewon choose one of her friends


"Ill choose....Wonbin!"

she didn't even choose me? she probably didn't see me?

The girls both choose someone until the last person standing,the last one was Yuseo. Everyone looked at Eunjoo and asked her why she didn't choose Yuseo sooner and let her out of her team.She didn't answer.

"Okay Yuseo! You're actually more lucky than you think,you can choose your team! Who are you choosing?"

Heewon did signs for Yuseo to come with them,but Eunjoo on the other hand didn't seem to bother much. Why?

Is Eunjoo mad? I'll still go with Eunjoo because we never know if Heewon wants me on her team to bully me?

"I'll go with Eunjoo. I'm sorry Heewon,I'll go with you next time!"

"Of course! You're always welcome in my team!"

Heewon had a big smile on her face,looked sincere and caring. On the other hand,Eunjoo looked pissed.

"Eunjoo,can I talk to you?" asked Yuseo


"Why are you mad at me?"

"I'm not in the mood right now!"

"Okay but don't be mad at me! I'm your bestfriend right?"

"Yeah yeah sure."

Her answer didn't please Yuseo.

What is happening to her?

"Yuseo,I'm sorry about that!" a familiar voice came from behind her,it was her cousin,Wonbin.
"She's mad at me,we had an argument this morning."

"Don't lie at lie! She chose you first! She's not mad at you!"

Yuseo continued walking on her on until Heewon came to talk to her.


"Heyy Heewon!"

"I heard Eunjoo was mad at you?"

"Yes...I don't know why but it'll go away...I think?"

"Hahah. It will normally!"

"I hope so!"

"Oh and by the way,can we meet tonight near the lake?I have something to tell you!"

"Of course! I'll be there at 5pm!

"Okay see you there! Enjoy the laser game! Good luck." Heewon winked as she joined her team again

Why is she nice all of a sudden?

Yuseo walked till the Laser Game alone. Riki was with Wonbin and Eunjoo. Yuseo didn't dare to join them because of Eunjoo,she was really mad at her!

"Okay kids! We're finally at the laser game!"

All the students put on their outfits for the laser game and enter the room.

                                                few moments later

"HEEWON! why did you shoot  me? I thought we were friends now!?"

that's the reason Eunjoo was mad? She became friends with Heewon!?

"I shoot you because you hurted  Yuseo today! You guys are best friends!"

"No we're not! Well we WERE!"

were? we're not bestfriends anymore?

"You shouldn't leave her like that!"

"Why do you care about her so much?!"

"Because I learned we had lots of things in common! I changed my opinion about her! After all I never hated! She had something I wanted! Until i discovered I had something she wanted!"

wait what? i'm really lost? that's maybe why she wanted to talk to me tonight? we'll see tonight!

                                              after the laser game

"Did you have fun students?"

"Yes we did" answered the students

"Good because we'll head back to school!"

Heewon walked to Yuseo.

"Hey, I don't think we could meet up at the lake tonight."

"Why? You have something with Riki?"

"No no no! it's just we're leaving right now."

"Oh sorry!"

"It's fine! Why don't we meet at the cat caffee tomorrow? We could talk there?"

"Yes of course! I'll see you there at 3:30pm tomorrow. How does that sound?"

"Great! See you there Yuseo!"

"See you!"

she's really pretty. But she changed,in a good way! She pretty and nice to me now!


Sorry for the short chapter! I just want to skip to the next chapter! Ahhh so excited!
I also tried a new writing style at the beginning but removed a part of it because i didn't like it that much😭
Btw thank you for reading my book!💗💐
Tysm for 63 reads!💐

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shout out: tysm Nasnsnsnsnsnsnsn for voting at the end!💗
(i don't know why the text turned black...)

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