More Atomic Doings

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More Atomic Doings

by sloanranger

You are far away... yet tonight I am tipsy in your love.

No wine, no spirits have made me so. It's as though the very atoms of you have traveled to have concourse with mine ... and I smile. They play and tickle me like toddlers or teenagers, frisky suddenly in their freedom.

Soon perhaps, they will settle down, be more cautious as they become aware of their surroundings.

Perhaps they didn't travel at all. Perhaps they-we, have always been together and now - as so many times before – they-we, have simply awakened to one another, within each of us.

I know so little about atomic doings. They do appear to have more rigid behavior in their planes than we do in ours... and as such, become models for long lasting, seemingly fixed planets and stars. I'm not one usually for mathematical, straight-line things - but the very beauty of such precisional possibilities awes me to the point of tears.

It is as they say, I think: if you look for beauty you will find it. And if you acknowledge it, you will soon find it everywhere. And I find it in you... and in us.

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