6; Crimson

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Night had come slowly, but by the time the moon had risen and the village lights dimmed, I was on the move. With my kunai in my pouches, everything was set.

That odd dream stuck in my mind, however, haunting me as I made my way to my first target.

"It was weird," I told Kurama as I walked through the streets. "I don't think it was a dream, y'know"

'It may have been a vision from Jashin. There's no way to tell without getting answers from him'

'Ne Kurama, do you think I rely too much on him? As Makoto, I should be able to do my duties without constantly needing his help...'

'He doesn't seem to mind, actually. I've never heard of a god being this hands on. You'd have to ask Hidan if it's the same for him. It might just be how Jashin is. I've never interacted with him before, obviously'


I continued my trek through the village, conversing with Kurama as I went. My first stop wasn't far. Perhaps I could stop by Kakashi's place and try and convince him to join me? I can't take Iruka, he's helping the budding monsters. I can't bring myself to sacrifice him though... Perhaps I'll do him last?

'You don't have to sacrifice Iruka' I heard Kurama say. I didn't respond, simply tightening my grasp on the kunai in my hand.

My first target was specifically picked, the apartment directly connected to the weapons shop below. If I went through the house to the shop, it wouldn't trigger anything. Easy.

But that wasn't the only reason. This monster helped supply the rest of them during the annual 'fox hunt'. For that, I'll be extra careful with them.

For that exact reason, I had drawn a silencing seal ahead of time on a paper tag. It was almost funny to see how easy it was to purge these sinners.

Upon reaching my destination, I climbed up, slipping in through a window. Picking locks was a breeze after having the monsters place locks on my door to keep me in.

Pathetic, really. These 'villagers' were so carefree. Such idiots that they thought they were safe with a mere lock.

I crept through the house. He had a wife and child, yet from what I knew, the couple weren't on good terms. Probably in separate bedrooms, then.

'Should I leave the kid? It's not exactly their fault yet. They haven't matured enough to think for themselves, y'know?'

'Do whatever you wish' Kurama unhelpfully supplied. I shrugged. I'll leave the kid, show that their parents were monsters.

The wife goes first. She was a vindictive witch that always took joy in burning my skin. I had countless, very founded fears because of her. Fire always kept me tense now. I couldn't enjoy camping anymore because of her.

In the stillness of the house, I moved like a shadow, silent and unseen. As predicted, she was in her own room. I opened the door with now practiced ease, using chakra to cover the hinges. Not a single sound was made. My prey lay before me, blissfully unaware of the impending strike. Anticipation hummed in my veins, a dark symphony of desire and malice.

With practiced precision, I approached, the glint of my kunai reflecting the window's light like a deadly beacon. Each step brought me closer to my target, closer to the culmination of my fantasy.

As I loomed over my victim, a surge of power coursed through me, electrifying my senses with a perverse thrill. With a swift, decisive motion, I struck, the blade sinking into flesh with a sickening satisfaction.

Time slowed to a crawl as I savored the moment, relishing the sight of his prey's agony, the taste of her fear. In that fleeting instant, I was omnipotent, a deity of pain and suffering, just like Jashin. Just like my saviour.

And as I watched the life drain from my sacrifice's terrified face, I knew. I knew that in the darkness of the night, I was the hunter and she were mere prey to be devoured by the merciless jaws of fate.

I grinned, I'd gotten good at silencing the monster's with Kurama's chakra.

Now came the man.

As I stepped through the darkened hallway, the only sound was the soft echo of my own breath. Each step was a delicate dance, a silent symphony of anticipation and excitement.

The moon cast its pale glow through the windows, illuminating the path ahead like a ghostly guide. Shadows flickered and danced along the walls, masking my movements in their elusive embrace.

My heart hammered in my chest, the rhythm of adrenaline pounding in my ears as I approached the door at the end of the hall. With trembling hands, I reached out, the cold metal of the handle a stark contrast to the warmth of my skin.

Slowly, ever so slowly, I turned the knob, basking in how smoothly this was going. With bated breath, I pushed the door open, revealing the dimly lit interior of the bedroom.

I slipped inside, my senses on high alert, every nerve tingling with the thrill of the forbidden. The room was still, save for the soft rustle of curtains in the night breeze.

I moved with the grace of a predator, keeping to the shadows, my footsteps barely audible against the carpeted floor. The bed loomed before me, a silent sentinel guarding its slumbering occupant.

With a steady hand, I reached out, my fingers brushing against the cool silk of the sheets. My heart skipped a beat as I leaned in, my breath seeming to echo in the air. How peaceful this man looked.

His wife was a few doors down, slit open in a sacrifice to my Lord. How peacefully he slept, soon to follow her example. Disgusting monster.

But I was but a whisper in the night, and before he could awaken, I slipped over him, standing precariously over the gross body below.

'Bastard, how dare he have such a nice bed'

"Ah" I murmured. "It's to be expected. Jashin, I pity you, who takes in these impure souls. Tear them to shreds and show them true destruction. I offer these sacrifices to you"

With that, I placed a foot on the man's neck, pressing down slowly. My chakra spread out, forming into the very chains Kushina Uzumaki once used. Since I was an Uzumaki, I had the right to learn it too.

At least, that's what Kurama told me.

Word count: 1092

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