Chapter Five

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The silence and tension was heavy and thick enough to cut through. We were already in the town and heading to the pub- which was incredibly loud. Good.

I needed a distraction. So bad.

From my unrealistic crush and his nightmares. I really didn't care about the choking hazard. In certain situations it's even preferable, but I hurt him. His hand had barley stopped bleeding around ten minutes ago and I couldn't bear the way his eyes shook. And he had went out and got me a blanket- Fuck!

Why did I have to fuck up so bad? I went down to thank him and ended up ruining all of our progress. He walked further from me, hands permanently clenched into tight fists. He hadn't said anything the whole day except 'sorry'. It was infuriating and sad at the same time.

It completely ruined my chances with him-not that I'd expect him to even touch a Tivlar with that sort of intention. He made it clear that he's a good guy, so he would never settle for a one night stand.

I nearly walked into a post but I shook myself out of my trance quickly, sidestepping and half-hoping I'd crash into Attor. When he moved away, the remaining guilt I had evaporated.

Anger is a strong emotion. One I fall to constantly.

So against better judgment, I huffed, flipped my hair back and yanked open the door to the pub. Ignoring how Attor held it open as soon as he could. I shouldered my way through the crowd. This pub was rowdier than the ones before. Most of it's people were young twenty year olds. Some were dancing, spinning vigorously to match the pace of the musicians. Some part of me craved what would be the most awkward dance of my life. I wanted to put last night behind us and dance with Attor until I was too tired to raise a hand. I wanted it so much it was basically a need.

But I just sighed, steeling my resolve.

"One ale please, make sure it'll get me drunk quick."

"Coming right up." The worker inclined his head.

He gave me a bitter ale and I didn't even have the chance to wonder why he didnt ask for payment before he added, "The gentleman at the booth says he will pay for your drink."

I absently noted that Attor was sitting in a booth.

"Tell him his horned-ass is in trouble." I rumbled and the waiter paused.

"Sir? Horned?" I looked up to meet his confused gaze.

"Yeah." I swirled around to point at him in the booth I realized there was a huge absence of the big quiet oaf. In his place was a hooded figure, his back facing me...sketchy...

A free drink was a free drink.

I shrugged, "I don't know him."

"Yes, well. He will be very pleased if you accept his offer."

"Then I guess he'll go home pleased." I lifted the ale to my lips, barley noticing how the liquid was swirling. 

I froze. I looked away from my drink...shit.

"What is it?" The waiter leaned forward, his eyes shining with malice.

Though I wasn't one to back down from a fight, something was wrong. They weren't just trying to rob

I stood up.

"I'll have to decline, thanks."

The waiter quickly reached out and yanked me back into the chair.

"Drink it."

"No." I snarled, ripping his hand off of my shirt taking several steps back.

"He found you, three twelve. Don't make this any harder than it needs to be."

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